This site being constructed by MacAlpines
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This site being constructed by MacAlpines

Well, everyone likes freebies, so I've surfed around and found the ones below. There's enough here to keep you going for a few weeks at least and I have another dozen or so to add. If you're into gifs, well, I just found a site with 50,000 of them on it. I just have to get a bigger hard drive to make them all feel at home.

If you go to Greeting Card Central you'll have no excuse for ever not sending a card again. There's something there for EVERY occassion.

Well I hope you have fun, solve a few problems and find what you're looking for.(that would be a good title for a song...Hmmmmmmmm) the way, if you really want to get your own web page up and running, I would recommend that you visit Professional Web Design and download their free Web Tutor. It's a magic little program and it will give you step by step instructions from A to Z on how to set up your page. It also gives examples as you go and it has a list of ALL the colour codes you will ever need. Go for it!

Find out how things work, from cisterns to aircraft.

Search for freeware by keyword(s) or phrase:

The Universal Currency Converter. Click here

Enter a city, state or country.

Pick a song


Latest World News from ITN--click here for full stories and videos

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Get all the latest soccer news from

Oh by the way, have you ever found yourself sitting there and you hear a song and you start humming it but you can't remember the words?...well humm no more!..Go here and start singing!
The International Lyrics Server

You need a Java compatible browser to use FreeVOD


Listen to your Favourite songs in Real Audio

Free Software Download Sites (fill up your hard drive here!)
Strouds CWSApps
NONAGS (as in No Nags)

FreeThemes - Download the latest desktop themes and screensavers

HTML helpers...Midi Files and Gifs

More free stuff than you could poke a stick at...

Free help with your computer problems
Free EXPERT help with your computer problems

Free HTML tutorial
Tired of checking for broken links on your HomePage?...Try URL will keep track for you and notify you when it happens.
A tutorial on midi files
Free midi files!!!
More free midi files!!!

Free animated Gifs
Alchemy Mind Workshop-Create your own Gifs!
So you want some images and icons eh?...well here's THE library...
Psycho's free animated Gifs
Need to shrink your Gifs??? here!
Stormi's backgrounds gifs and icons A beautiful page full of freebies for your home page

Free Greetings Cards....On-line Newspapers...Screensavers

Hundreds of free greeting cards
The largest list of on-line newspapers on the net
Fancy a new screensaver?..Grab one here!
So people can't reach you because you only have one phone line?(and you're on the net)...Well try this...

Have a Break and talk to the resident Shrink

Need to have a rest???...Well take a VIRTUAL BREAK HERE!

Having problems?..tired of the Net?..feeling on the verge?..Then have a talk to DR.WEB

This is Cindy, Albert and Bill after their sessions with Dr. Web


Home . Australia . Freebies . Friends . N.I. Peace Process . Irish Links . Irish Musicians . Pics . My Dog .