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I Stand Alone is the premier fanzine coming out of Louisville, KY. I.S.A. has interviewed bands ranging from Despair and Torn Apart to Erie's superheroes Brother's Keeper and Disciple. Articles are always intelligent and insightful, but at the same time there is always just enough humor in every issue to keep it interesting. I Stand Alone is a growing empire of underground media that may one day control your very thoughts

I Stand Alone #13 with a split seven inch featuring Elliott (covering Endpoint) and Kid Dynamite (covering the Dead Kennedy's and Minor Threat). These songs will only be available through I Stand Alone. Interviews with H20, Undying, Bloodpact/Plus Minus Records, The Judas Factor Stretch Armstrong. 6.00 PPD US 8.00 PPD world.

McKaigComin Correct/Krutch

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