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First of all, check out my new website Fashion Flower--a site devoted to beauty and fashion.

School starts at Georgetown on August 31st, although many of us are ready to go back now! Robin and I plan to move into the KD house on Tuesday, the 24th, and Shannon and Lee Ann will arrive on the following Friday. We're looking forward to a festive weekend of parties preceding the first day of school.

Guess who's gettin' hitched on September 10th--"Casper." She plans to wed a dentist friend of hers from Elizabethtown--Best Wishes, Casper!"

Big news--Molly G. and Nathan got engaged! They have set a date for June 24, 2000. Best wishes to both Molly and Nathan, and congrats to Nathan--she's a great girl!

Well Cassie's beau Stephen started U of L medical school on Monday, August 16! We are all very excited for Stephen and we know he will be an excellent doctor.

Cassie will also be starting her graduate studies in diplomacy at UK on Wednesday, August 18. Good luck at Patterson School, Cassie!

The wedding of Allison Storie and Brian Frederick had Georgetown students and alumni partying into the wee hours on the weekend of July 10th. The ceremony was held at the Central Christian Church in Lexington. The bridesmaids wore beautiful peach dresses, and Allison looked radiant. The reception was at the Spring Valley Golf Club, and it seemed to many like a KD party. After the couple drove away in a vintage Mustang convertable, the party was taken to Shamrock's, a Lexington pub. Robin and Hunter, as well as many other revelers, sang, danced, and socialized the night away.

On the weekend of July 17, Kristin Bamburger, former KD president, married Georgetown football star "Meat", and the following weekend Kara Turner tied the knot with her longtime sweetheart Tom. So many little time!

Lauren has big news too--she plans to wed longtime sweetheart Jamie next July. The happy couple plans to move to Louisiana after the nuptuals. We are all very excited about the engagement. Best wishes Lauren and Jamie!

Shannon celebrated her 21st birthday on the weekend of June 5th and 6th, and invited some friends to join in the festivities. After a quiet family party at the home of Shannon, we hit the town for a wild night in downtown Paducah.

Congratulations to all the wonderful people who graduated from Georgetown on May 8. The ceremony was held on Giddings Lawn, and the weather was beautiful. At baccalaureate, a special prayer was performed by Cassie, in Spanish. Congrats, graduates, on a job well done!

My lovely roommate Robin is having an exciting summer. She's working at an internship at Potter and Company which will be great for her career when she graduates next year. Great job, Robin!

Shannon and Lee Ann attended summer classes at Georgetown during the month of June. They were roommates, of course, but instead of living in the Kappa Delta house, they resided in Collier Hall, a dorm used for summer school.

As for me, I experienced summer classes at U of L this summer. I took Communications and Algebra, and I got a D in Algebra, so it was a big waste of time since Georgetown College only counts it if you get a C. It wouldn't have hurt Dr. Robert C. Powers a bit to give me a C--he knew my situation from the beginning. (My situation being that I am a remedial math student). Oh well--C'est la vie!