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Friday, 1 June 2007
Tashbih Sayyed R.I.P
Topic: Islamic Jihad
This just came in from Obsession Highlights

With Deepest Condolences

With great sorrow we inform you that Tashbih Sayyed, a courageous foe of the global jihad, passed away. Tashbih Sayyed appeared in Obsession. Read the Front Page Magazine article here.

Tashbih Sayyed R.I.P.

By FrontPage Magazine | May 28, 2007

[Editor's Note: The following was written by Robert Spencer on behalf of]
Tashbih Sayyed, 1941-2007

With great sorrow, informs our readers that Tashbih Sayyed, a courageous foe of the global jihad, has passed away.

After a long career at Pakistan Television, Tashbih's differences with the Zia ul-Haq regime in Pakistan (which gave the Islamization of Pakistan its first great boost) led him to come to the United States, where he founded two newspapers, Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, and wrote eight books, including Mohammad – A Secularist's View. He appeared in documentaries including Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West. He was the President and founder of The Council for Democracy and Tolerance, an adjunct fellow of the Hudson Institute, and a member of the Jihad Watch Board.

Tashbih was insightful, humorous, and above all, fearless in his opposition to the jihad ideology of Islamic supremacism. Despite numerous threats and a relentless barrage of insults and personal attacks, he kept on trying to awaken the world to the magnitude of the threat we face, never trimming his truth-telling to fit current fashion.

He was a dear friend, and he will be greatly missed.

May his memory be eternal.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 4:07 AM CDT
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Updated: Saturday, 2 June 2007 8:48 PM CDT

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