Konnichiwa null and welcome to my anime couple's shrines! I'm Krissy, web mistress of this site. In case you were wondering, allow me to explain why this site exists. I created this site to present my insight a few selected anime couples... However, some of these "couples" may not really exist yet these are two characters from an anime that I may have thought would have made a good couple. There may be evidence suggesting otherwise but I still decided to create a site dedicated to them. With this stated, please don't flame me or my guest book with rude or derogative comments because I chose to make a website for a couple that you oppose to. Anyways, If you are looking for info on Mimi and Yamato@_@;*drools* from Digimon, Yukino and Arima from Kare Kano, Sakura and Li from Card Captors Sakura, Miaka and Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi or Asuka and Shingi from the ever so popular Neon Genisis Evangelion, then you have come to the right place. This place is dedicated to what I think is the best couples in anime. I'll try to update frequently. Oh and feel free to e-mail me with your comments or whatever. This place is still under heavy construction so gomen ne...Now go look around and enjoy your stay, null!!
Mimato Garden Li and Sakura's Green Meadow Anime Couples
Arima and Yukino Shrine Asuka & Shingi: The End of Heaven Miaka and Tamahome: a warrior protects
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Attacks:Fire Fist and Kiss of Courage
Trainer:~*~Mimi Li~*~
Fav Food:Suishi,spicy foods & candy!
->Adopt One Here <-
My Gabumon
Email: mimi_li@hotmail.com