The Magickal Place
"Tis true indeed that thou a spirit art, but thou
wert born but to become again a mortal; thou must go
to the earth below and be a teacher unto women and
men, who fain would study witchcraft in thy school."
...Aradia, Gospel of the Witches; Charles G. Leland
Alright everyone, this is our Book of Shadows page!!!
Here you will find background information on the
Paranormal plotlines of L.J. Smith's terrific books.
Feel free to look around any subject that interests
you, but do come back again since I'm planning on
adding some more stuff later when I have more time.
What is Wicca?
The Wiccan Rede
The Witches Creed
The Sabbats
Colors and their Magick Uses
History of Gems and Stones in Magick
Gems and Stones in Magick
Herb Magick
Scents and their Magickal Meanings
Using Candles in Magick
The Goddesses
The Gods
The Runes
Our Webrings
Email: smartissexy@yahoo.com