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Miss Peach's Page

Welcome To My Home Page

So now you've gotten here! Let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in California and came to Kentucky when I was 11. I met my husband, Gerald, and we were married in 1975. I am also the mother of twin daughters, Amy & Abby. They were born in 1980. I love animals, especially dogs (we have 5), and tropical fish. I also enjoy doing things outdoors like camping, 4-wheel riding and flower gardening. Our family is very involved in the life and workings of my church. My husband is our church's Minister of Children & Youth and I am the secretary for my church and help work with our children and youth. The girls help with Mission Friends and teach Interpretive Movement with the children. We have been on several Mission Trips with our youth and have gone places like Buffalo, New York, New Mexico, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, etc. We go on these trips as a family. Our family is very close and we do almost everything together. I believe that God is the center of which all things evolve. I have a strong faith in all He is and all He does. The following poem has a lot of meaning and truth in it as it refers to our everyday life and walk.


Faith builds a bridge from this world to the next.

Faith cannot die, nor can he die who hath faith.

Faith fears no famine.

Faith gets most, humility keeps most, love works most.

Faith honours Christ and Christ honours faith.

Faith in God is never out of season.

Faith looks to precepts as well as to promises.

Faith makes all things possible, and love makes them easy.

Faith makes the Christian, but love proves him.

Faith justifies the believer, but love justifies his faith by the works it produces.

Faith believes God to be true, love proves faith to be true.

Faith sees God and God sees faith.

Faith sees God who is invisible, and God sees even that little faith that is invisible to others.

Faith unfeigned breeds hope unfailing.

Faith which never wept was never true.

Faith works love, works by love and loves to work.

Faith's barque is often tost, but never lost.

Faith untried will turn out to be untrue.

Faith's eye sees in the dark.

Faith is a God-given eye and is like the eye of God.

Faith's hand never knocks in vain at mercy's door.

The Bible tells us that if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I hope that you enjoyed the poem and that somewhere down the road of life, it's message will have a place in your heart.

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