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Lockport is about 20 miles north of the Winnipeg airport. My brother and I went there for 6 days of fishing. Stayed at "Cat's on the Red".Rented a boat for the time we where ther. The River was in perfect shape. The weather also co-operated in being mild to warm most of the time. We were told of another 2 guys from KY that had been up there a week before had caught over 350 cats! They must have spent 12hrs a dayfishing for you can NOT haul those huge channel cats in a boat in just a couple minutes.

I must says having to use barbless hooks works out very well. We did NOT lose a fish by the hook coming out . Once the fish was in the boat it sure made it so easy to get the hook out. So you can lift the big fish up for the picture. By all means take your camera for your pals won't believe you without the proof of the photos.

We did O.K. landing over 70 Channel cats most over 20lbs. My brother caught the largest one of 29lbs!! Your odds of getting a Channel cat that large out of the Ohio river is very slim. My brother got around 45 and I landed around 28 cats. As a bonus caught around 8 white perch from 5-12 lbs.

We caught 26 cats between 20 and 25 lbs another 16 between 25 and 29lbs. Tottal weight for the week came to around 1313lbs. total of 73 fish the average came out 19.1 lbs!!! That is what catfishing dreams are made of.

I hope this has been of some help to anyone thinking about a trip for the largest Channel cat fishing experience going. For more information contact Stu & Dianna McKay at "Cats on the Red". Phone 204-757-9876 for rates on the lodge rooms and boat rental etc. The lodge rooms have 2 bedrooms with shower, coffee maker, small refrigerator and t.v.

May 2000 Red River Monsters!!

UPDATED 02-22-02