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You are visitor number since December 21, 1997

This page was last updated on May 25, 2001

My Web Design Business Page

The MS MounTain
Another page near and dear to my heart

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August 8, 1998 was a wonderful day for me! My Faebabie Hatched!!!!

Caitriona Faith

I'm proud to introduce my Faebabie to you! This is Caitriona Faith (Pronounced cat-REE-ona). Caitriona means "Pure".. So therefore "Pure Faith"!! Dedicated to someone very special to me.. he always tells me to "keep the faith" I want him to know I do... and it's pure. (SS&S!!)

I'm so proud of her...isn't she sweet?? I've watched her grow from an egg to hatching to this beautiful Faebabie! Treat her kindly... she is very special!

The Author/Owner of this page is a member of

Thanks for dropping by! I'm so glad you are here!

As most of my online friends know, I'm a Kentucky Gal, so therefore a major UK Wildcat Fan!! And because of that I have a couple of UK links here! They are great sites for those that are UK Fans and those that wanna be! The Cats Meow site has links for all you sports fans out there! Great links to ESPN, CNN, CBS Sportsline, USA Today, The Sports News, plus Kentucky Sports and Area attractions! So after you have checked the Cat's Meow, click on Find URL and there will be the Sports lovers dreambox of links!

I have finally gotten around to updating and sorting my links to make it easier for you to navigate to the areas your are most interested in! I have Wavs (which are on page 2; the link is at the bottom), Humor, Homepages, Sports and News... and.. well why spoil all your fun... just check out my links at the bottom of my page! I'm sure you can find something to interest you!

Well friends! That is all I have for you this week! But as time permits and I find more links I think you will be interested in, I'll put it up here! If you have a site and you want me to link it from here, just email me and let me know! I will if you will! :-) Please take just a second to sign my guest book! You are important to me!!

Remember... I have started putting my wav site links on page 2. I love wavs and I collect them.. I hope to dedicate that page strictly to wavs only.

Thanks ya'll!!!



Kentucky Wildcats! 1998 National Champs!!!

I may be RED... but my blood runs BLUE!!

Hey ya'll! Take some time and. . .

Visit my "Secret Spot"!!

Come on... take a peek!

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My Favorite Links

Special Sites

(These are sites I either designed or helped to design.

I hope there will be more as time goes on!!)


DesignWorks is my business site.
Just click on "Portfolio" and see the Business sites that I have completed or am working on at the present time.
This is totally separate from the sites I have here which are my fun pages!

U.S.S. Hammerberg (my dads page!!!)
Bullchiper's Bullpen

Humor Sites

The Darwin Awards
Centre For the Easily Amused!
Jay's Comedy Club

News and Sports Sites

UK WildCats SuperSite
The Sporting News
University of Kentucky Sports Online

Cyber Greetings

Card Central
HallMark Connections
Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards
Be Mine Greetings
Awesome Cyber Greetings

Friends Home Pages

Grandma's Home
Mikes Contribution to Vanity on the Net
Where The Birds Are!
FierceRacket's Homepage
Passions of the Heart and Soul
Matthew and Nathan's Home Page
James on the Farm
The Grady Bunch
MercyNursey's Hangout
The Wyld Side
Jammer's Web Page
Dee Dee's Wild & Wacky World of Looney Stuff
Insane's Asylum
AcadianRose Homepage
Susan's Page
Philip's Homepage"
Women and Children First
Dreamweaver's Bedloom

Fun Sites

Blackout's Box
Poke Fun at AOL
The Dilbert Zone!
Fun Factor 10,000!

Love And Romance Sites

HomeArts: How Well Do You Click?
The Love Calculator!
Love Poems

Miscellanous Sites

Easiest Free Homepages

Click Here To Go To RedLady's Favorite Wav Links!!

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RedLady .

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You are my heart... my soul mate... now and forever!