Baby Name Blessing

Baby Name Blessing
Items needed:
Lavender oil, breast milk, white cord, bowl of water, juice and milk, symbols for the four quarters: incense or fan, candle flame, salt or sand and water.

Cast the Circle

Invoke the four quarters.
Stand in the center of the circle and Rev. says: "Guardians of the North, East, South and West, Powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, Please join us in our circle that is rightly cast. Keep us safe from psychic curse or blast, Blessed Be!"

Invoke the Goddess and God.

Statement of Purpose:
Rev. says: "We meet today to bless this child, to place her on the path to happiness, and to name her. To have her be blessed by the Goddess and the God, protected by the elements, and loved by the people."

Statement of Thanks:
Mother says:
"Mother of All, we have been pregnant together and now I, like you, have given birth. Thank you for bringing me through this time and for helping me to deliver a beautiful Child."
Mother places her offering (breast milk or a rose) to the Goddess in the cauldron.

Place the baby on the altar. The Rev. will trace a
pentagram on her forehead with water, saying:
Rev. says:
"Lord and Lady, keep this child pure. Let all that is wrong be far from her."
Blessing of the Elements: The Rev. will:
Sprinkle earth (salt or sand) on the baby.
Blow the incense smoke towards the baby or wave her with a fan.
Pass the candle flame under the baby.
Sprinkle water on the baby.
Rev. says:
"May the Spirit of the elements bless you and protect you as you live your life to the fullest."

Mother places the baby on the ground or touches her foot to the dirt in the center of the circle.
Mother says:
"Receive the blessings of our Mother Earth: May She protect you all of your days, wrapping Her arms around you as you go your way."
Father holds the baby up to the sky.
Father says:
"Receive the blessings of our Father Sky: May He protect you all of your days, watching over you as you go your way."
Parents carry the baby to the altar.
Mom puts a drop of milk in her mouth, saying:
"May you always have plenty."
Dad puts a drop of juice in her mouth, saying:
"May you always be happy."
The Rev. puts a drop of water in her mouth, saying:
"May you always be pure."

The father traces a pentagram with lavender oil on the baby's breast while the mother says: "Little one, you are the baby's name. This will be your birth name. Bare it well, and may it do you honor."

With a white cord, the Rev. measures the baby around its waist, and cuts the cord to that length. Then says: The Rev. says:
"This cord of your measure is a remembrance of this ritual and to remind you to learn, love, live fully, work for peace and respect your Mother Earth."

The Rev. says: "May the Lady and Lord smile gently upon you. May you choose your path wisely and walk it well. May you be gentle and strong. May you be loving and wise. And may you be happy and healthy, for the world is good."

Starting with the Rev. pass the baby among the people present. Each person will kiss her/him and give her a wish/blessing.

Farewell to the Goddess and God: "Mother and Father, we thank you for the gift of life. For the gift of love and the wonderful people with which to share it. But most of all today for name of baby, who is both life and love. We ask your blessings as you depart. Hail and farewell."

Dismiss the four quarters. Stand in the center of the circle and Rev. says: "Guardians of the North, East, South and West, Powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, We thank you for joining our circle And I ask for your blessings as you depart May there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be!"

Close the circle.


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