Passing Of The Dead

Priest and Priestess light the four candles of the elements saying:
O elements of earth, air, fire and water, grant release from pain, heal those who remain here, in this more lonely world. And speed the soul of the one who is loved into the beautiful realms of the Gods.
PRIEST: (lighting the central white candle) Lovely, somber Lady of the Declining Moon, strong and silent Lord of the Far Realms beyond, be with us here at this time of loss.
Priest and Priestess stand on each side of the altar facing south.
Priest: O, {friends name}, we do call on thee in spirit to stand here with us, and before the Gods.That we may give honor and love to one whom you have known who has passed beyond.
PRIESTESS: Good friend, you have for a while lost one who is dear to you, and we all feel your loss.But it is only for a time, and we bid you to have no sorrow. there is a reason for being here and a reason for going. The Summerland,and the places beyond are warm pleasing and beautiful.With all ills gone, and youth anew, so let us all be truly happy for the one you love knows true joy at last!
PRIEST: Dying is only a mode of forgetting. A way of rest, a way of returning to the eternal Source. To be renewed and made strong.To rest and finally to return.
PRIESTES: We of the Old Ways know that when a person dies the soul returns again to earth. This has been a tenet of loving faith taught since long before history began.
PRIEST: It is said in our lore: Arrayed in some new flesh disguise, another mother gives birth. With sturdier limbs and brighter brain the old soul takes the road again.
PRIEST (pouring wine for all present and all face north) calls: "O gracious Lady who gives rest, O Lord of the twilight realms we do thank thee for guiding our friend to the golden portals of the beauteous lands beyond.
ALL: we do ask, the love and good wishes for {departed's name} and for those good friends who yet remain behind.
PRIEST turns to the circle and says: I propose a toast...To the Gracious and Lovely Lady...... Blessed Be!
ALL: Blessed Be!
PRIEST: And also do I propose a toast...... To {departed's name}, who now revels in the glory and beauty of the Summerlands..... Blessed Be!
ALL: Blessed Be!

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