Protection Against Malicious Magick


This is a non-invasive spell of protection, which you can cast around anyone without bringing harm to them or effecting them directly in anyway. A courtesy and moral imperative is to inform the person you are going to offer protection and seek their approval. If they are uncomfortable with it in any way then do not do it. Because doing it against their will may cause psychological issues and paranoia and defeat the purpose of it altogether.

This spell creates a spherical field around the recipient, composed of energy in the blue to purple spectrum. The prevalent texture to this field is one of thorns and thistles.
It is possible to obtain the legal plant hemp or hempen rope or string if (pot) cannabis, grass or marijuana is ilegal, Do not break any laws it is not needed! I do not advocate any illegal drugs. hemp has been used since ancient times in magick! The thorns and thistles act as a filtering mechanism used to pick off aggressive energies directed toward the recipient.


This spell will last until the moon reaches the corresponding phase in which the spell was cast. It feeds off of the aggressive negative energy that it encounters so it will last past the particular moon phase if it is still being fed. The will of the recipient can additionally dissipate the field at anytime should the need arise.


It is important to note that this field feeds off negative energy but maybe enforced by the recipient by merely focusing any negative feelings or vibes they might have at the field itself. It is totally a defensive spell so it does not attack anyone. It is a form of relief in that aspect and helps to restore harmony from the turmoil caused by such attacks. So though negative
energy is involved it is used in a way to restore harmonic balance.

It is also important to realize that this field only protects you from aggressive attacks, passive negative energy will get by so there is no fear of loosing your balance and going into some manic state!!!

Lastly this is not a spell cast on any individual, it is cast about them, it is the receiptients
responsibility to acknowledge it's existance or it
will not work.


Your usual circle casting tools or visualization of them.
Gather together

A Red Rose Thorn.
Some Natural legal Hemp or "Grass".
A prickly Thistle from a thistle brush.
Your Cauldron ora heat proof bowl.
A Tea Light or candle.

Substitute an Incense Censer for the Cauldron and Tea Light if possible. Burn Frankinsense or sandlewood ona charcoal disk or any protection incense. If not burn your tealight or candle inside your cauldron or bowl. Preparation:

Cast your circle the usual way you do it (see simple circlecasting at Tigresscraft side sub-sections.) and light your candles. Place the Tea Light in the Cauldron and light it as well or use incesne and censor if you have it instead or in addition to this.

Incantation Chant to a chosen divinity or the Lord and Lady:

"With these thistles, thorns and hemp I construct "With bindings from (-------specific emotion of your choice) I do adhere these components to my need."

"Thistles please take your place and bring the strands of magick in place."

(place the thistle in the tea light or censer to burn).

"Thorns please take your place and bring the strands of magick in place"
(Place the thorny thistle on the tea light or in the censer to burn).

"Hemp I ask of the to perform the magick of binding my field to form."

(place the hemp/grass in the tea light or censer to burn).

"With your mighty Thistles and Thorns you will feed on the harm directed towards the one in need."

"If no harm is evident by the full cycle of this moon Dissipate on that day Or by the following quarter moon."

"If (recipient's name--------) feels the need" Then you must obey and dissipate indeed!"

So mote it be!