
Herb Pillow for Sleep


2 cups rose petals
1 cup mint
2 TBS crushed cloves
Sew into pillow.

Spell For a Good Night's Sleep


linden flowers or linden tea
lavender flowers or lavender soap
poppy seeds
pomegranate seeds
star anise

These ingredients should be sewn up in a silk bag or folded up in tissue paper and placed under the pillow or mattress. Nineteenth century herbalists would prescribe a mixture of linden and lavender to cure insomnia. Poppy seeds and star anise stimulate the subconscious and draw us into the dream world. Combined with pomegranate, the infamous seed swallowed by persephone to lead her into the underworld, the sleep will be of the deepest nature possible. Placed under the pillow, this potion works with the principles of aromatherapy. The smelling of this herbal recipe will subtly affect the body and bring the deepest state of relaxation, thus leading you into a good night's sleep.

Tea For Insomnia

50 gm. Cowslip
25 gm. Lavender
10 gm. St. John's Wort
15 gm. Hops cones
5 gm. Valerian roots

Over one heaped teaspoonful of this blend pour 1/4 litre of boiling water and infuse for 3 minutes. Drink this tea very warm, sip by sip, before going to sleep; if required, sweeten with a little honey.

Sleeping Postitions

As you may know, there are traditional sleeping positions. The head pointing North increases stability, calmness, prosperity and quick recuperation from illness. Some say this is the ideal direction in which to sleep, for the North is the source of magickal power.

The East has long been associated with religion and spirituality. It is also the point of intelligence, of sharp mental powers and freedom of mind. In this direction, the Sun and Moon rise, which has brought about the belief that one should sleep East to West, following the natural course of the heavenly bodies. Also, if you live in a hot area, sleeping with your head to the East might cool you down.

With your head pointing South during sleep, nothing but weariness and disease will afflict you, says old lore. This may also cause or aggravate insomnia. For those who are frequently sick, the simple act of moving the bed so that the head points North has seemed to produce miracles.

Sleeping with your head pointing West ensures love and spirituality, increases sensitivity of all kinds and promotes psychic abilities. It's ideal for those wishing to practice dream magic. It has also been used to promote creativity and so is recommended for artists.

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