Spell To Help Heal An Animal

Cold pressed olive oil 1 green medium size taper candle 1 leopardskin agate Altar pentacle
Make sure the agate has been cleansed and hold it in one of your hands while you annoint the candle with oil.
When you annoint the candle begin in the middle and first rub oil, lengthwise,on the top half. Once again begin in the middle and do the bottom half. Concentrate on the animal's illness and charge the candle with earth power. Also, ask the agate to blend energies with the candle. Tell it your animal needs its help. The next step is to set up the candle and the alter pentagram near the injured/sick animal. Light the candle and place the agate on the pentagram. Direct the energy to surround the animal, to heal it, protect it. See the healing take place. Take the agate and place it in the animals bed. Extinguish the candle.
The agate will do its magick, and daily, until the animal is healed, light the candle and direct its healing energy toward your pet.

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