Truth Revealed Spell

Spell should be done during the waxing moon. Please note that this is not a spell designed to bring someone to love you. It is simply designed to help you see things more clearly, a spell to help you see the actions and sentiments of others in their purest state. Still, be forewarned: we all have hearts that can be easily hurt. Use this spell only when you are not particularily invested in the outcome, only when you seek understanding, nothing more. It has just one requirement: a pure intent. If you are already in-tune with the nature of the universe, if you feel the moons running through your blood, you should find this spell helpful.
"Moon and tide save help me now,
I seek the truth here not yet found,
For underneath the fog there lies,
New possiblities for I,
So let this night be unlike others,
And let the noble show their colors,
And let the meek and cowards run,
For now the moon seeks out her sun,
And by the power that is three,
So as I will it, so mote it be."

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