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Taming Temper Tantrums - PART 2

Not all children who have autism will demonstrate tantruming behaviors. However, please email me about how you solved a temper tantrum or other behavior problem and I will add it to this page.

The idea is to teach our children how to get along in this society with the least amount of tantruming as possible. Sometimes all it takes is verbal prompting, like a reminder before you go into the store "No crying!" and at the first hint of a tear or tantrum, you remove the child from the store and go home.

I am delighted to print any responses regarding calming tantrums on this page! So much of learning to cope with autism is "trial and error" - you just have to keep on trying until you find something that works for you and your child.

FOR EXAMPLE: My aunt used to photograph her son when he was in the middle of a tantrum. Then she would show the picture to his grandmother. Grandmother would be so disappointed in his behavior! It did not take long for my aunt to merely suggest going to get the camera, and he would straighten up right away. (I would not suggest this method to anyone whose child has extreme reactions to flash bulbs, though.) My cousin is now a grown man, with a bachelor's degree in teaching. He was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was in kindergarten.

For more responses, please read on!

From Libby -
Hi I just came from your site on Temper Tantrums. Now this is just my method but to calm my daughter down during a temper tantrum is to brush her (the SI brushes the surgical brushing.) She doesn't let me brush her whole body but just the palms of her hands I usually try to find a quiet spot if we are not at home. But when they do occur at home I take her someplace where she can lie down comfortably and brush her. Now I will admit this doesn't work all the time and it may not work with every child I just had to share what we do. Thank you for time and I loved your website.

Libby (Mom of Kelsey 6)
A mom on a mission
In Indiana mail to :
The best Homeschooling Autism website anywhere

For still another view of temper tantrums and what to do, check out this website:The Autism Fact Sheet

Toddler Tantrums

New Mexico University has some sound advice regarding temper tantrums

Letter from a Speech Therapist to a Parent

Yahoo has THOUSANDS of listings for temper tantrums!

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as of September 26, 1998