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My ID will be a name I'll neer forget, my mother and best friend.

I was born in Kansas City, Mo. and was the first of 5 children. I had, first a sister, then a brother and then twin brothers. Today there is one twin brother and I living.

I Being involved with school activities, and acrobatics,compeditive motor cycle riding, and enjoying them very much, was able to maintain a level of strength and endurance, that was above average.

Me at age27

I had majored in history and archeology and wanted to see all the things I had read about and studied. Being unable to afford travel, I did the next best thing and got a job as an airline stewardess. Having taken many Post Graduate Courses, like getting my pilot's license, completing a modeling course, certified nurses assistant, and a course in aircraft maintnance. I faked it when I applied for a job with the airlines, telling them, I had experience.

Taking my Dad for a ride in my airplane. Center> The white patch on the side is
where I put My foot through the skin one day

That was the beginning of a long and very interesting career as an international Airline Stewardess. I flew for 15 years.

My first job was with THE FLYING TIGER LINE which was a cargo line with government contracts for moving military personel. We brought back many a load of wounded soldiers from the Korean front.

When the korean war was over they, being a cargo line, had no further need for flight attendants.It was then I went to work for an Oakland , Ca. based company, TRANSOCEAN AIRLINES, which was an International Line. I was fortunate to see 90% of all the countries in the world, and to meet my future husband, Capt. Frederick W. Sheppard. At that time we had a few days to a few weeks layovers wherever we landed. I worked for them for several years, and attended many schools in subjects such as nomenclature of all passenger carrying planes, ditching proceedures, international document requirements and emergency proceedures of every kind.

On a layover in Honolulu

After Transocean ceased operations, I, and some other Transocean personell, worked for SOUTH PACIFIC AIR LINES (SPAL) my past experience qualified me for my job as Director of Passenger Service, and Chief Stewardess. Being based in Honolulu was a plus to begin with and our regular weekend run to Papeete, Tahiti was just icing on the cake.

SPAL was instrumental in taking all the actors, directors, camara men and equipment from Honolulu to Papeete for the filming of the movie MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY staring Marlon Brando

I was ask to do some posing for their publicity shots at the Honolulu Premier.

Me holding a Tahitian boy who is holding tickets to the premier.

I was fortunate to work with Dr. Emory of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, in transporting artifacts from Tahiti, Morea, Boro Boro and other south polynesian islands to Honolulu. I gained a better than average knowledge, of the history and culture of the islands.p> The dances were of great interest to me, so I studied with native teachers and learned them well.

Having fun at a party, Yes, I sure had a lot of hair.

When SPAL sold out to Pan American Airlines, I was given the choice of a years severance pay, or being intergrated into Pan Am's seniority list which would have based me in Suva, Fiji. I took the pay and returned to the mainland.

During my tenure with SPAL, I spent one Christmas over Easter Island, and one Easter on Christmas Island. I remember landing on the runway littered with scurrying coconut crabs and probably smashing a few hundred. The British personel there were so hungry for news there. They were elated when we gave them the newspapers and magazines from the plane. Our new engine finally arrived and was installed so we continued our flight to Tahiti.

After returning to the mainland, I opened my own business called "TAHITI ITI" and was quite sucessful at it, importing polynesian arts and garments, catering parties with both luau's and polynesian floorshows. I studied all the dances of Polynesia, and became quite proficint in HULA, TAHITIAN & MAORI

It was during a divorce that I sold the business and moved to Las Vegas, Nv. where I worked for a while, as a dancer for a small nite club.

I decided then to work at a job that paid more, so went to work for the Tropicana Hotel as a cocktail waitress. I did this for 10 years before retiring to Mountain Home, Arkansas. In 1996 I was starting to feel numbness in my toes and fingers, and to shorten a long story, ended up being completely paralyzed from the waist down, and confined to a wheelchair with what is called PARANEOPLASTIC MYELOPATHY . No, there is no known cure at present, but I am still HOPEFUL. I still go to Physical Therapy and seem to be gaining on it.

In Hula costume-age 41

AGE 49

AGE 60





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