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Music Page

Welcome to the Biggest DB/Z/GT Music collection on the net. Over the past few years I have come to collect quite a bit of DragonBall Music. Im still looking all over the place and trying to get much more music here so if you have any files that I dont, then send them to me at Thanx!

Hidden Kool Song. Submitted by a fan!
Hidden Remix The remix to the first song. Submitted by a fan!
Makafugishi Kool Song. Opening Theme for the original DragonBall!
Maruko Awesome Song!!
Goku's Theme Here is a song with a theme based on the character Goku!
Vegeta Theme A theme for the character Vegeta. Very Cool!
Trunks Theme A theme for the character Trunks.
Galaxia This Isnt a DBZ theme but it has such a good tune!
Kaio This is also not a DBZ theme but it rocks so i had to put it in here!
Kaio Remix A kool new twist to the original "Kaio" Submitted by a fan!
Tetrinet A cool up-beat DragonBall Z theme!
Fusion Theme The theme played when two character fuse together.
Battle Z A battle theme played during some intense battles.
Hikari no Willpower Cool DragonBall Z song. (Look below to find a MP3 version)
Dan Dan Hikaretsu A cool DBGT theme that means "Hold My Hand" in english.
Blue Velvet A cool battle theme!
Chala head REMIX A song played as background music.
We Got Power Nice DBGT theme.
Don't You See Sad DragonBall Z song.
Piccolo's Theme A Piccolo theme. (Title Unknown)
Pan's Theme A song based on the daughter of Gohan & Videl, Pan!
Can You Feel It Cool DragonBall Z theme!
Remembering Goten A song played when Goten is killed. It is a very sad song.
Gohan's Flute A small song hummed by Gohan in a Movie.
Gohan's Flute Remix #1 A remix to the orginal song, submitted by a fan.
Gohan's Flute Remix #2 Another remix to the orginal song, submitted by a fan.
Gohan's Flute Remix #3 The 3rd remix to the orginal song, submitted by a fan.
Gohan's Flute Remix #4 The 4th remix to the orginal song, submitted by a fan.
Tapion's Flute Another flute piece. This one is loner than Gohan's Flute.
Sabitsuita Machine Gun de Ima O Uchi Nuoko Cool DBGT song.
Hitori Janai Another cool DBGT song. Title means "You Are Not Alone"
Vegeta's DBGT Theme Here is the theme for the character Vegeta during DBGT.
Michael's DBZ Song Here is a new song based on DBZ sent in by a fan.
Michael's Song #2 Here is another new song based on DBZ sent in by a fan.
Rock The Dragon American DragonBall Z opening theme. Really kool!
We Use To Be Angels Japenese Ending theme for DragonBall Z! Cool!
Hikari no Willpower A much better version of "Hikari no Willpower" Better quality than MIDI!