*)O( *
Bright Blessings! Welcome to Amazon Dawn!
This website reflects the efforts of the
Amazon Dawn tribe and serves as a
resource for members and non-members
alike. Feel free to take a look around.
Should you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to ask.
and Light,
Antianara, Moderator of AD

Courtesy of
Spirit Amazon Graphics
Queen of the Night, Lady of the
Hunt, we call upon You to come
with Your bear and stag and lead
us into new directions. Give us
the strength and courage to forge
ahead. Help us run the path
lightly, that we may pass without
a trace, known only to those we
choose. Be with us, Moon Lady,
and teach us to rely on
ourselves. Blessed Be."
~From Yasmeen
Galenorn's Embracing the Moon~
*JBL Statues (www.jblstatue.com)
is a source for images of the
divine, and joins this web site
in spreading healing archetypes
to every corner of modern
Amazon has graciously presented Antianara
and Amazon Dawn with an awarded of merit
on the 10th of May 2001 for their
contribution to the Spirit Amazon
community. Many thanks, Sisters!~

***** )0( News )0(
January 30th, 2002:
Amazon Dawn is
*officially* an independent tribe. Spirit
Amazon has relocated and is now under new
leadership and a new name: Amazon Worlds. For more
information, click HERE. Many thanks
to the Spirit Amazon Moonbow Council for
the time and effort put into making
Spirit Amazon and Amazon Dawn great,
specifically to Lyssa and Taz for
watching over us younger warriors. We
wish to thank you for your love and
support; and we want you to know that the
Spirit Amazon spirit will run forevermore
through our veins, for it was Spirit
Amazon that brought us into being. *fist
to heart*
