William I. Kinkade/Kincade - 6th child and 4th son of:
David Kincade and Sarah McWhirter Kincade.
William I. Kinkade.
b - January 1840 TN.
d - Febuary 20,1908 Oklahoma.
Married: September 13, 1864 Warren Co. KY.
Nancy C. Smith.
1870 Warren County KY Census.
William I Kinkade 29 Farmer TN.
Nancy J. Kinkade Wife KY.
Ollie C. 4 KY.
Wm. E. 2 KY.
David B. Kinkade 24 TN.
Brother to William..
Nancy J/C Smith Kinkade died pior to 1875.
Willian I. Kinkade married the 2nd. time to.
Zara Elizabeth xxxx..
William and his wife Zara/Sarah then moved to;
Hunt County, Texas. shortly before the 1880 Census.
1880 Census Precint 4, Hunt County, Texas.
William J.Kinkade 40 Farmer TN. VA. N.C.
Sarah E. Kinkade Wife 27 KY. VA. KY.
Ollie C. Kinkade Dau. 13 KY.
William E. Kinkade Son 12 KY.
Eva N. Kinkade Dau. 10 KY.
Josie J. Kinkade Dau. 8 KY.
Freddie V. Kinkade Son 2 KY.
The William and Sarah Kinkade family are found in Hunt County, Texas
at the marriage of their daughter Ollie Kinkade
Hunt County Marriages 1850 - 1890
Ollie Kinkade
Married on Novemeber 27, 1889.
M.W. Scott
1900 Hunt County Texas Census
Marcus W. Scott 38 Married GA. GA. GA. May 1862 Married 10 years.
Ollie Kinkade Scott 34 Wife Oct. 1865 Mother of 5 with 4 living. KY. KY. KY.
William Scott 10 son Sept. 1889 TX.
Walter Scott 9 son Feb. 1891 TX.
Bertha Scott 7 dau . July 1892 TX.
Florry Scott 6 dau. Feb. 1894 TX.
Charley Murry Scott born 1900 TX.
Clarence Scott born 1904 TX.
Fred Scott born 1906 TX.
Welton Scott born 1910 TX.
Hunt County ,Texas Cemetery Inscriptions:
Web Hill Cemetery
Marcus W. Scott 1862 1926
Ollie C. Scott 1866 1932
In or about 1894 William I. Kinkade family appear in Oklahoma.
According to the 1900 Indian Territory Census which is now Oklahoma.
William I. Kinkade 60 born Jan. 1840 TN. VA. VA. married 25 yrs. Jail Guard
Zara E. Kinkade 47 born April 1853 KY. TN. KY. married 25 yrs.
Stella M. Kinkade 24 born Aug. 1875 KY. single
Fred V. Kinkade 22 born May 1878 KY. single
Efie Kinkade 19 born Aug. 1881 TX. single
Sheridan Kinkade 13 born May 1887 TX. single
Ida A. Simms 18 born March 1882 TX. single
By this census Zara is now 77 yrs. of age and as
we can see William I. Kinkade must be deceased.
1930 Ardmore County Census, Oklahoma
Zara L. Kinkade 77 Kentucky Head White
Carl S. Kinkade 41 Son
La Eina I. Baggs 24 Arkansas Roomer White
Miss Baggs became the wife of Carl Sheridan Kinkade
Obituaries from Ardmore City, Oklahoma
The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma
February 21, 1908
Capt. W. L. KINKADE Dead
CAPTAIN WILLIAM L. KINKADE, a veteran of the Civil War and
the father of FRED V. KINKADE of this city, died suddenly late
yesterday afternoon about 7:00 at his home on North Washington
Captain Kinkade was a native of Tennessee, but early in life,
migrated to Bowling Green, Kentucky, with his parents, where
at the outbreak of the civil war, he volunteered in the 26th Kentucky
regiment on the northern side and served with distinction throughout
the war until its close.The deceased was a member of the Chickasaw
Post, Grand Army of the Republic. After the war, the captain engaged
in the wholesale tobacco business at Louisville, where he lived until 1881,
when he moved to Texas, where the family lived until 1891 when Captain
Kinkade came to Ardmore to live.
In 1875 Captain Kinkade was married to MISS ZARA L. JOHNSON
of Bowling Green, Ky., and is survived by his wife, three sons,
SHERIDAN, EDWARD and FRED, and three daughters,
MRS. OLLIE SCOTT of Celeste, Texas, MRS. JOSIE WARREN of Celeste,
and RMS. EFFIE SIMS of Gainsesville.
When the big pasture was opened near Lawton in 1900, the captain drew a
fine farm and went there soon afterward and completed the homestead filings,
after which, he returned to Ardmore in the early part of the present year.
The absent members of the family were notified of the demise of their father
and will arrive in the city in time for the funeral tomorrow afternoon at
From the Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter county, Oklahoma,
Sunday,November 7, 1915, front page.
Fred V. Kinkade, a well known young man of this city,
died at his home on F street, northwest, yesterday afternoon
at 6 o'clock, after a brief illness.No definite arrangements have
been made for the funeral, which will be conducted monday afternoon.
Deceased was 37years of age, and is survived by his wife, his mother,
and one brother and sister.
Fred Kinkade came to this city with his parents when quite young,
and was practically raised in this city. He was a young man of
exceptional business ability, and held many positions of trust during
his lifetime.
For several yars he was connected with the Dawes commission at Muskogee,
and was also commissioner to the federal court of claims.For some time after
statehood he was United States commissioner for this section, but resigned
to attend to his private affairs. Definite arrangements for the funeral will be
made after his brother arrives today.
Mr. Kinkade had a host of friends throughout the state who will be grieved
at his untimely death and sympathy is extended to the bereaved family in
sorrows.Up to a few days ago he was employed by the citizens committee
as clerk in the adjustment of claims resulting from the recent explosiion in
this city.
Fred V. Kinkade was born May 10, 1878 in Bowling Green,Kentucky.
His parents moved to Texas when he was two years of age.
He finished a high school education in Texas and graduated from the
Metropolitan Business College of Dallas, Texas. His parents moved to
Ardmore in 1894 when deceased was 16 years of age and he
was practically reared in this city.
He did his first work as a stenographor for J.B.Thompson of Pauls Valley
who is now a member of congress. He was later employed with Judge John T. Hinkle
and Judge J.C.Thompson of this city.
His next position was with the Dawes Commission at Muskogee and afterward
was with Federal Judge Humphrey.He was appointed United States Commissioner
and was at the time of his death commissioner to the Federal Court of Claims.
His father, W.I. Kinkade passed away in this city seven years ago on the 20th
day of February. His mother Mrs. Zara I. Kinkade is now past 62 years of age.
She is bearing up bravely under her loss.Mrs. I.J. Sims and two children, Lara I.
and Beatrice arrived here a week ago from Pecos, Texas. Mrs. Sims is a sister to
the deceased and was known, here as Miss Effie Kinkade.
An only brother Sheridan Kinkade has been reached and wired from Hartlesville
yesterday afternoon that he would arrive here today at noon.
While with the Dawes Commission the deceased was admitted to the bar and was
practicing lawyer at the time of his death.
He was married to Miss Effie Landrum
who was engaged in teaching in the city schools and who survives him.
He was with the citizens commitee when he was stricken with apolexy
and was an intense sufferer for seventeen days before death relieved him.
The Kinkade family was always a devoted one. Deceased was devoted
to his mother and to his wife.Not only in the family circle but in the business
ciles of the city his loss will be keenly felt."
From the Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter county, Oklahoma, Monday,
January 19, 1931, front page.
Zara L. Kinkade Passes Away at Home of Daughter in El Paso,Texas.
Mrs. Zara L. Kinkade, one of the early day public school teachers
in Ardmore, and for many years a resident of this city, died Sunday
morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Alice Sims, in El Paso,
Texas. She had been ill for a week.The body will be returned to
Ardmore for burial and upon arrival here this evening at 7 o'clock
will be taken in charge by the Bettes funeral home.
Arrangements for the funeral to be held Tuesday are incomplete.
Mrs. Kinkade gave up her home at 522 Second avenue northwest
and left here about a year ago. Besides her daughter with whom
she lived she is survived by a son, C.S. Kinkade, of this city.
Early orphaned by the death of her father and mother, Mrs. Kinkade
was reared in a Presbyterian school. She was well versed in the
scriptures and was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church
until eight years ago when she joined the Seventh Day Adventist
church. Friends today recalled the faithfulness of Mrs. Kinkade as a
wife, mother, and church member. She endeared herself to many
through her beautiful Christian spirit and was Godly in character,
they said."
From the Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter county, Oklahoma.
Wednesday, January 29, 1947, page 2.
"Funeral Rites for Ardmore Man
Services for Carl Sheridan Kinkade, 59,
are set for 3 pm Thursday at Harvey's chapel,Dr. William H. Mansfield conducitng.
Burial will be at Rose Hill with the American Legion furnishing the pall bearers.
Kinkade died Tuesday white at work on the new Champion building.
Death was attributed to heart disease.
He was born May 26, 1887,Wolfe City, Texas, and had resided here many years.
The survivors include his wife,Lueina Inez, 522 Second avenue, three daughters,
Zara, Effie Lou, and Carolyn; two sons, Emmett Sheridan and William Willis;
a sister, Mrs. Effie Simms of El Paso, Texas, and one niece, Mrs. C.L.Orn
of Houston, Texas.
Judge John E. McCain will serve as chaplain for
the commitment, and Judson L. Wilson as bugler.
The pallbearers include Allen Evans, Dan B.Woods, Ben Bean, Robert Denard,
Ford Whitehurst and George Hollingsworth."
From the Daily Ardmoreite, Ardmore, Carter county, Oklahoma, Monday,
November 12, 1979, page 2.
"Lueina I. Kinkade Services for Lueina Inez Kinkade, 74, 136 F NW,
will be at 2 pm Tuesday, November 13, 1979 in the Harvey Chapel.
Officiating will be Ed Holton, pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist
Church and Rev. Stephen Harris, Christian and Missionary Alliance
Church, with interment in Rose Hill Cemetery.
Born August 10, 1905 at Mena, Arkansas, Mrs. Kinkade died Sunday
in an Ardmore hospital after a brief illness.She had lived in Ardmore for
50 years, coming her from Zaneis.
The former Lueina Inez Baggs, she married Carl Sheridan Kindade April 17, 1930.
He preceded her in death January 28, 1947.
A retired office employee of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, she was
a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the Dorcas Club,
Women's Missionary Prayer Fellowship, the VFW and American Leon
Auxiliaries, Business and Professional Womens Club, Rebeka Lodge
and RSVP.
Survivors include 2 sons, Emmett Sheridan of Haysville, Kansas
and William Willis of Dallas; 3 daughters, Mrs. Fred (Zara) Woerner
of Pasadena, Texas, Mrs. Bob (Effie Lou) Jones of Oklahoma City,
and Mrs. John (Carolyn) Leggio of Ardmore; 4 brothers, Earl Baggs
of Sacramento, California, Wesley Baggs of Bakersfield, California,
Henry Baggs of Roseville, California, and Albert Baggs of McFarland,California;
2 sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Wooten of Bishop,
California and Mrs.Anna Mae Holt
of McAlester;18 grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
Services will be directed by the Harvey Funeral Home
Killed In Action
Name of Soldier Town/ City
ANDERSON, George R. Ardmore
DREW, Walter W. Ardmore
Soldiers of the Great War- World War I
Kincade Helen Russel 6 June 1893 - 25 September 1894
This baby was not with the other member's of our Kinkade family.
Carl S. Kinkade - 26 May 1887 - 28 Jan. 1947
Fred Vivon Kinkade - 10 May 1878 - 6 Nov 1915
Lueina Inez Kinkade - 10 Aug.1905 - 11 Nov. 1979 - wife of Carl S.
W I Kinkade - 1840 - 20 Feb. - 1908
William Willis Kinkade - 16 Oct. 1945 - 12 June 1982 - son of Carl S. and Lueina
Zara Lizzie Kinkade - 7 April 1853 - 18 Jan. 1932 - wife of William I. Kinkade.
Rose Hill Cemetery The county's largest cemetery
We have copies of all the Census~ that has been found of our families
Below is just a few with the names and dates on them, they have been modified
And a big "Thanks" to Tamara Kincaide
for all the wonderful information she has supplied us with.
Welcome to Carter County of The Great State of Oklahoma
Thanks to Butch Bridges for giving me permission to use some of his photo's.
Photo Albums by oklahomahistory
Family Web Pages
William I. Kinkade - Civil War Files
John Kincade ~David Kincade ~ Sarah"Sallie" McWhirter
Tamara's Kincaid/Vincent/Gish Genealogy
Kinkade, Kirby, Moran, and related families
Kinkade/Kincaide/Kinkead Together
© Copyright Connie P. Hurley 2004/05/6/7/8/9
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