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What i gotta say READ!

         Hello and thanks for coming to my website. I just wanted you to know that I am in the process of building my website. So things may be diferent everyday that you come to my website. Also, I wanted you to know that this site will be providing you links to some cool websites and some websites for our school. Please come back and recomend this to your friends. Please if you have a good website send it to me by pressing on the feedback button on the left side of this page. Thanks alot again and hope you find my page interesting. To go to a chatroom of my website go to the left menu side and click on chat!

July 11~ Been a long time since I updated this page! But expect to see alot better pages. I changed the poll because I am interested on how so many people have gotten to my site. If you want to tell me you can email me by clicking on the write thing on the left.
August 1~ Today is my birthday. Happy bday to me. Well I added a forum for you guys to discuss whatever you want to. Well, here the link Pimp Talk
Email me at Mr Popular
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