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The Kula Ring Of Papua New Guinea Forums

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Welcome to the Kula Ring for Papua New Guinean Forums. Basically, the Kula Ring for Forums is mainly targeted at forums created by Papua New Guineans.

What is a Webring?

A WebRing is the first, largest, and fastest-growing service of its kind on the Internet, providing one of the easiest ways for visitors to navigate the Web.
Through navigation links found most often at the bottom of Member pages, Visitors can travel all or any of the sites in a Ring. They can move through a Ring in either direction, go to the next or previous site, or list the next five sites in the Ring. They can jump to a random site in the Ring, or survey all the sites that make up the Ring.

Joining the Kula Ring

To join the Kula Ring, fill in the submission form below or submit your site's details to A HTML code will be sent to you. Or you can copy and paste this Code in your site. Your site must contain the HTMLFragment in order to be added to the main webring page. Please let me know through email when you have submitted your site. It will take a few days before it can be added to the ring.

Submit site to Kula Ring Forums Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Owner's Name:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

To edit your site, go to the WebRing Editor

This Kula Ring of Papua New Guinean Forums site owned by Kula Ring for PNG Forums.
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Site Created: 3rd November 1999
Last Updated: 3rd December 1999

Kula Ring Of Papua New Guinean Forums made possible by the WebringWebRing