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Here are a few of the hottest sauces you can find. These will knock the socks off of any of your friends, and they are great for spiking nacho cheese at parties!

I only know about these two by reputation, but thier reputation does them no harm!

Dave's Insanity is so hot that it was banned from the Fiery Foods Show after a guy started hyperventilating and organizers had to call 911. A former restaurateur, Dave -- who attends food shows in a straitjacket -- vowed to make the world's hottest sauce ("mostly to shut up the drunks at the bar late at night"). He added capsaicin extract to his sauce and tested it at the restaurant, where customers kept telling him he was insane. Believe it or not, the #1 ingredient in Dave's Insanity is tomato sauce, which he combines with Indian and Asian habaneros, anaheims, jalapenos, and extract. One writer quipped that "Dave's is to regular hot sauce what grain alcohol is to beer -- good stuff to serve your ex-spouse or guests who have worn out their welcome." Dave is good-natured about all this, and says one drop will add zing to any dish. (He also claims his sauce is not as hot as the red savina, a habanero pepper with 326,000 Scoville units.) Dave has come out with a new sauce, "Dave's Ultimate Hot Sauce," which has been tested at TWICE as hot as his original Insanity!

This sauce is literally death in an eyedropper!

And finally, the hottest sauce known to man!

Yes, you did see that correctly! A flaming 750,000 scoville units! This sauce requires a whopping 100 lbs. of habenero peppers to make a mere 2 oz. of sauce. This is the true test of how much heat you can take. This sauce is not to be used as a condiment, for it will burn you like a duck in the desert. One tiny drop can light up a whole pot of chile, and that really means light up!

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