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Motion Picture


She wears a mask with a painted smile
A golden shimmer spread across her cheek
Her deep blue eyes used to shine but now are spoiled
By an ugliness that curses the sweet


They tried to mould her into a shape she just did not fit
Put her up on Glamour St and told her to shine
Weaving webs of lies around her innocent like presence
Didn't hear her soul weep and cry
Let her true spirit fade and die


Her life is like a motion picture
Unrealistically perfect
A facade of false laughs and tears
She's played so many roles, she soon began believing
This Illusioned dream, to blinded to see



And they put her up on a pedestal
So high she was bound to fall
Painted her path with gold and glitter
But was it worth it all, shattered dreams and more
Like tears we all fall

'copyright © 99 Katrina
