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We are like pawns on the chess board of life, surrerdering to the omiponent power that is moving us. From one grey square to the other, no black and white spaces here, just shades of grey do we move a upon absent mindedly. Caught on the breeze, we float on this invisible path, carelessely unable to control the force that pushes us. But what if we are challeneged? A pawn put in the postion of being captured by our the oppoant, that feather which is suddenly blown off course by trubulent winds? Where do we fly next? What do we become? Will we ever break free from this suppressing fate......

If life is a game....which of us will lose? Check mate.

Here the the voice sings of silent things and words left unspoke;
Where pen revives dreams and memories, that our simple souls in envoke.

A big Thankyou to my sweet friend Kath who made the butterfly picture herself for me. Thankyou so much sweet. All credit goes to her for the gorgeous picture. She's going to be a famous photographer I just know it ;)

Dear sweets, Im sorry this site has been void of anything in last two months. Thankyou for still visting and signing the guestbook. It means so much then you could know. Butterfly kisses Kat

Last updated the 21st July 2001
*New song added (unfinshed)Star Eyed Dreamer- 21st July

Silenced Song - poetry

Painting an Ocean of Angels -journal

Dusty Manuscripts -Songs/Lyrics

Forgotten Words -Quotes

Simple Soul-About me

To spunky chickens- stupid memories

Song for thought

Read Guestbook

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I just love animals, they're even better than humans sometimes (my cat knows). So please vist this site and help support both the World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy. All you have to do is send a card! Every card sent raises a donation. Groovey, huh. So surprise your friend with a funky animal card and help Nature woohoo! Thanks my sweets.

Graphics courtesy of Fantasyland featuring Jonathon Earl Browser

'copyright © 99 Katrina