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 Persons who have lost their lives in Harlan County Coal Mines
(Taken from Casulty Bulletins and Annual Reports of the Kentucky
Department of Mines and Minerals when avaiable)

1940 ,

Petry hayse, R. B. Smith,
Pittman Carter, Everett Blankenship, Albert McIntosh, Wilburne Catliff, John Clem,
Steve Malakas,
John Bartolotti, James Harvey Wiley, Frank Cobb,
Simon Cummings, Alex Lambert,
John M. Orick, Gyra Pierce, G.F. Rose,
Vince Suber,
Garrett Fugate, Jessie Cupp, Earl White,
Willis Brock,
Ross McClendon, R.J. Ingle,
Otis Daugherty,
Glen Arthur Alan, B.T. Shaw,
Reese Napier, Jack Drever, John Blair,
Lawrence F. Hale, Clyde Gailey,
Henry Lafferty, Henry Knuckles, Farmer Stidham, Olin Diamond, Herman Haney,
John Hunter Jr., George Vary, Renus Delph, L.H. Howard,
Warren Gilbert, George Reese, Neal McNabb.


Jerry Harbor, Taylor Whitaker, Archie Sandy, Glenn Hammonds, Ed Hicks,
George Greer,  Alvis Partin,  Jim Newsom,

Lige Morgan, W.M. Blake, Joe Cheek,
Wilson King,
James H. Simpson,  Stockley S. Day,  Jack Jackson, Horace McClendon.


Other information available on these miners are the date they died, the company they worked
for and the name or number of the mine where they died, except for the years 1928 thru 1939 : email me

If you have relatives on these pages and wish to have their pictures posted here please email the picture along with dates email me here

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