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Dr. Bernardo Mueller has been a lecturer at the University of Brasília since 1995. He received his undergraduate degree in economics at the University of Brasilia in 1987, his Masters at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1993 and his PhD at the University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana in 1994. His areas of interest are Political Economy, Positive Political Theory, Regulation and Environmental Economics. At the University of Brasilia Dr. Mueller has taught courses on Economic Development, Complex Adaptive Systems, Positive Political Theory of Regulation, Econometrics, Environmental Economics and Economic History.
Address: Departamento de Economia
Universidade de Brasília
Campus Darcy Ribeiro, ICC Norte
Brasília-D.F. 70910-900
Phone: 55 61 307-3204
Fax: 55 61 307-3691
E-mail: bmueller@unb.br
Research Interests
List of Publications
Google Scholar Profile
"How Judges Think in the Brazilian Supreme Court: Estimating Ideal Points and Identifying Dimensions " - Nery and Mueller (2014) Revista EconomiA
"The Development of Property Rights on Frontiers: Endowments, Norms, and Politics" - Alston, Harris and Mueller (2012) The Journal of Economic History
"Changing Social Contracts: Beliefs and Dissipative Inclusion in Brazil" - Alston, Melo, Mueller and Pereira (2012) Journal of Comparative Economics
"Changing Social Contracts: Beliefs and Dissipative Inclusion in Brazil" - Alston, Melo, Mueller and Pereira (2012) NBER Working Paper Series
"Property Rights, Land Conflict and Tenancy in Brazil" - Alston and Mueller (2010) NBER Working Paper Series
The Impact of the 2007–08 Food Price Crisis in a Major Commodity Exporter Food Prices, Inflation, and Inclusion in Brazil - Bernardo Mueller and Charles Mueller
"Interest Groups, Information Manipulation in the Media, and Public Policy: The Case of the Landless Peasants Movement in Brazil." - Alston, Libecap and Mueller (2010) NBER Working Paper Series
"The Fiscal Imperative and the Role of Public Prosecutors in Brazilian Environmental Policy - B. Mueller, Law & Policy, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 104-126, January 2010
"De Facto and De Jure Property Rights: Land Settlement and Land Conflict on the Australian, Brazilian and U.S. Frontiers" - Alston, Harris and Mueller (2009) NBER Working Paper Series
"Regulatory governance in Brazilian infrastructure industries - Correa, Melo, Mueller and Pereira, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Volume 48, Issue 2, May 2008, Pages 202-216
Pork for Policy: Executive Legislative Relations in Brazil - Journal of Law Economics and Organization 2006
Land Reform Policies, the Sources of Violent Conflict, and Implications for Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon - Alston, Libecap and Mueller, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Volume 39, Issue 2, March 2000, Pages 162-188
"A Model of Rural Conflict: Violence and Land Reform Policy in Brazil - Alston, Libecap and Mueller (1999) Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 4"
My papers at SSRN
Environment and Development Economics
Book: Titles, Conflict and Land Use - Alston, Libecap and Mueller
Maratona Meia de Brasília
Deacon and Mueller
Handbook of New Institutional Economics
Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes and Policy Outcomes
Versiani - Escravidão Brasileira: Uma análise econômica
Gorender - Os Fazenderios do Oeste Paulista
Versiani & Versiani - A Industrialização Brasiliera antes de 1930.
Versiani & Suzigan - O Processo Brasileiro de Industrialização
FEB - Slides
FEB - Economista como Historiador (Versiani)
FEB - Escravos na Mineração (Gorender)
FEB Uma Analise Comparativa da Evolução Histórica do Sistema de Propriedade de Terras no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos
When Social Contracts Change
Programa FEB 2015
Texto para aula sobre Portugueses na Índia