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In Memory of The Lives Lost 
September 11, 2001
God Bless America!

How little they know..

How little they know of our will and our way
Of the things that make up an American's day
Moving through our lives in apparent ease
We appear unaware and hard to please
While working and playing as only we can
They plot and scheme their insidious plan
Striking at objects we hold so dear
In pathetic attempts to make us fear

How little they know of our joy and pride
In the simple freedom of choosing a side
To act without fear is our god-given right
And is often the center of many a fight
Our rights were won from tyranny and violence
And from all that comes an assured reliance
The one thing they've missed in their demented designs
Is the hope that exists in our hearts and our minds

How little they know of our strength and resolve
To them it's a puzzle they cannot hope to solve
While we may all sit in shock at this senseless feat
To make the Stars and Stripes give up in defeat
America's bravest and finest are there on the front-line
Despite the possibility it might be their time
So many have perished so America can be free
How much better I'd feel if we could just make them see!

©Bret L. Williams
September 17, 2001

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