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Points and Stats
PL:The Amount of damage that a person can do

HP:The amount of hits you can take.

Speed:Who goes first in the battle.

Stamina:How many hits you can give.

Str.:The amount of power that can go into the beam.

Int.:If you have alot of int. you can try to dodge the other persons attack.

Race: This is your race. Each different race has different variables that will affect you in some way. Here are the current races:
Human: Can find an earth DB 1 day less, if opponent has a higher PL than you, your stamina is 20 less.
Saiyan: May kill team members, gain plus 50 if killed in a fight. Cannot turn down a fight.
Namekian: Can guard Namek DBs and when in battle gets +20 to stamina.HP will not effect physical attacks.
Other:Can sense sneak attacks from people who cannot hide there PL. Must travel alone on a star ship.
Training Alone: 20 pts to each stat and extra pts for everyday you train alone(Does not include PL and HP)
Sparing: 25 pts to each stat and extra pts for everyday you spar with someone, 5 more for each additional person you spar with.(Does not include PL and HP)
Master Training: 30 pts to each stat and extra pts for everyday you train with a master.(Does not include PL and HP)
Learning New Move: Must Research move with a master. Gain 25 pts to each stat and extra pts for everyday you research a new move.(Does not include PL and HP)
May not fight a team member, unless one of you leaves the team after the battle and never can return.
May only fight once per day and only 5 fights in the RPG per day and only 3 fights per week per person.
Must fight over AIM, and I must get an IM from both fighters telling me that they are going to fight and what moves they are going to use and if it's a sneak attack,planned battle or team battle.
I say hiw much u get by a special technique i do so this is how i find out how much u get!
Battle sequence: The person with the highest speed goes first. They can use anyone of there attacks. The damage is how much there PL is. The defending person minuses their hp from the damage, and what ever is left over is how much damage is done to the defender.
If you win a battle you gain 90% of your own PL and HP and 25 Gold. After you have won you have the choice of killing your opponent or spareing their life.
After a battle, if the loosers life is spared, he must heal for 3 days, unless he eats a Senzu Bean or sits in a Rejuvination Tank after the battle.
There are three different kinds of fights. Sneak attacks, planned battles, and team battles.
In Sneak Attacks the person who is sneak attacking the other person writes me an e-mail telling me he wants to sneak attack someone. I then write up a quick battle sequence, and ask the fighters where they want the points. The winner of a sneak attack must always kill the looser. You may not sneak attack a person with less than 200 PL below yours.
Planned battles are faught over AIM when 2 fighters agree to battle. They use the battle sequence prepared above, and all the rules apply.
In Team Battles, the leader fights the other teams leader, and all of both teams members are put in order for battle acording to PL. EX: team 1 has 2 members, and team 2 has 2 members. member 1 on team 1 has a PL of 100. member 2 has a PL of 75. member 1 would fight after the leaders, and member 2 would fight after him. team 2`s members would be the same. The battle then turns into a tournament situation. All of the loosers of the battle are declared dead, and once all the team members fight once, repaet the battle, exept without the dead people. Once all of the members of 1 team have been defeated, they loose and the wining team may claim there section and items.
Dragon Balls
You cannot make the same wish twice. You may wish for a max amount of pts of 100,000. You may not wish for imortality. You may wish for items. You may wish for more Gold, but a max of 500. If you are going to make a wish you must E-Mail me the wish so I may review it and make sure it is legal.
It takes 1 week to find 1 D Ball with no equipment.
You must know a password to make wishes with the Namek Balls, and only need to learn it once. It takes 3 days to learn.
Super Forms
Your PL, Speed, and Stamina must all be over, or equal to the following in order to turn a Super Form
SS1: 1,000,000
SS2: 2,000,000
SS3: 3,000,000
SS4: 4,000,000
All Other Races:
S1: 500,000
S2: 1,000,000
S3: 2,000,000
Stat Increases(only during a battle):
SS1: 10,000 to each stat
SS2: 100,000 to each stat
SS3: 1,000,000 to each stat
SS4: 10,000,000 to each stat
S1: 1,000 to each stat
S2: 10,000 to each stat
S3: 100,000 to each stat
Team Rules
You cannot kill a team member, even if they want you to kill them.
Maximum of 10 people on 1 team.
Team members must fight in a team battle, or they are banished from there team forever.
If a team member becomes stronger than the leader of the team, they will have a dispute match. There is no killing, and no item taking. The winner is the new leader and the looser has the option of leaving or staying on the team.
The leader of your team makes ALL the decisions for you and your team, and has the choice of consulting you before making a decision or doing it on his own free will
If team members get upset and dislike the leader of their team, they can back stab him, and decide on a new leader.
Planet Rules
Each planet has 4 sections- North. South, East, and West. Everyone is in one of the sections. You must be in the same section and on the same planet in order to fight someone.
A team owns one section, but can take over other sections on the same planet, and others by building bases on the different sections. Once a team has built a base on every sectionof a planet, they own it. They must have "presence" at each base in order to own that section.
Presence means that 1 or more members of that team are in the base at that particular section.
A planet may be blown up, but only a team may do it. They must conquer every team on the planet they want to destroy then mine it. It will blow up destroying everything and everyone on it the next day. The planet will not return until it has been wished back.
It takes 1 day to travel to any different section on any 1 planet. EXMPLE: If you were on North Freeza and wanted to goto South Freeza to fight someone, you would have to travel for 1 day to South Freeza. While traveling you cannot do anything exept build