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Youth Event


14 Youth from the club meet Friday night of June 13th in Bardstown, KY for an overnight event.  As the kids waited for the pizza to arrive they became acquainted with their surroundings.  After supper they proceeded to the birdhouse assembly line.   With the help of some adult volunteers the birdhouses were put together.  They needed no help in the painting and design department.  There were birdhouses of every color and design including one with a footprint made in the wet paint.  By this time it was getting close to mid-night.  A quick clean up and on to karaoke and at 2:30 a.m. the cookie making was in full swing.  By 4:00 a.m. and a few well directed words, the kids were down for the (night ?).


Saturday morning as they began to wake some had breakfast, but others choose to hit the lake bank.  The girls gathered around the table and were treated to make-up tips by two Mary Kay representatives.  The boys were given pictures of objects and location in the area and were sent on a scavenger hunt.  The very beautifully made up girls were now finished and couldn't wait to help the boys with their hunt.  They were just in time to be caught in a terrific downpour, well so much for make-up.  Everyone came in for dry clothes and finished off the pizza from the night before and the cookies that were suppose to be for the club meeting.  Now it was time to go fishing in the BIG lake.  This one had a dock and swimming area.  Not having swimming on the agenda, no one had swimsuits, but that didn't stop anyone.  Now it was getting close to time for the club meeting and everyone was directed back to the barn and more dry clothes.  Charlotte stated that she thought everyone had a good time and were already asking about doing it again next year.


This is the barn were the youth activities and the club meeting was held.