The Purchase of Pentuckett

Source:  George Wingate Chase, The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1861
Reprinted by:  Somersworth, New Hampshire: New England History Press, 1983 p. 46-47

The area now known as Haverhill was occupied as early as 1640 by white settlers.  The original settlers were: William White, Samuel Gile, James Davis, Henry Palmer, John Robinson, Christopher Hussey, John Williams, Richard Littlehale, Abraham Tyler, Daniel Ladd, Joseph Merrie, and Job Clement.  The first eight were from Newbury, the last four from Ipswich.  It was not, however, until more than two years later that the land was purchased from its Indian owners, this step taken in apparent fear of a massacre.

The text of the original deed (note that the book contains a facsimile of the original handwritten deed) is as follows:  

"Know all men by these presents, that wee Passaquo and SaggaHew with ye consent of Passaconnaway: have sold unto ye inhabitants of Pentuckett all ye lands wee have in Pentuckett; that is eyght myles in length from ye little Rivver in Pentuckett Westward: Six myles in length from ye aforesaid Rivver northward: And six myles in length from ye foresaid Rivver Eastward, with ye Ileand and ye rivver that ye ileand stand in as far in length as ye land lyes by as formerly expressed: that is, fourteen myles in length: And wee ye said Passaquo and. SaggaHew with ye consent of Passaconnaway, have sold unto ye said inhabitants all ye right that wee or any of us have in ye said ground and Ileand and Rivver: And wee warrant it against all or any other Indeans whatsoever unto ye said Inhabitants of Pentuckett, and to their heires and assignes forever
Dated ye fifteenth day of november Ann Dom 1642.

Witnes our hands and seales to this bargayne of sale ye day and year above written (in ye presents of us,) wee ye said Passaquo & SaggaHew have received in hand, for & in consideration of ye same three pounds & ten shillings.

John Ward                                                                      ye marke of
Robert Clements                   PASSAQUO               (A bow and arrow.)                         [SEAL.]
Tristram Coffin                                                                 Passaquo
Hugh Sherratt
William White

                                                                                        ye marke of
ye signe of (1)                                                            (A bow and arrow.)
Thomas Davis                                                                  Saggahew.

                                                     SAGGAHEW                                                                     [SEAL.]