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Paducha Zen Do Ryu:
General Information Page

This site focuses on the class and training of the Paducah Zen Do Ryu Karate class but the information should be of great help to any interested in the martial arts. If health problems, consult a physician before beginning any training. In general, with a good instructor, martial arts are actually safer than most contact sports, due to an awairness of the potential danger. Students may choose what they want out of the training, whether as exercise, sport, self defense or more, but one gets out of it only what they put into it. Martial arts develope dicipline, character, responsability, confience, physical health and more allert mind & body. To join the class, please print out the application linked below, or show up at one of the classes to pick one up, then bring with you to class next time after having filled it out. Wear loose clothing that you can move around in, stretch and work out in until you may later wish to obtain a uniform. The class is in the basement of the United Church of Paducah, 4600 Buckner Ln / Paducah, KY. Go to the back, around the circular driveway & the double doors by the iron railings & a few steps. Doors should be unlocked at the time of class unless cancled. Once inside, go right, past the restrooms, then the stairs to the basement are beside the cola machine. :-)

General Information Sections

Sensei O'Daniel
Dojo Precepts

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