Steve Perry

Steve Perry (no, not the singer) of Charlottesville, VA, made it into the Hot Seat on April 22, 2001. He is a first-year student at University of Virginia Law School. He is no stranger to WWTBAM. He was Matt Marcotte's $250,000 Phone-A-Friend. During that phone call, he said, "Matt, I love you! I want a cut of this money!" As it turned out, he did get a cut of Matt's $250,000... in the form of a new laptop computer. His mother, Kay, is in the audience. Let's play!

Q1: $100

Which of these words rhymes with "fat"?

A: Dish

B: Hat

C: Tree

D: Large pizza

Steve says that "hat" rhymes with "fat".

Of course it does! $100.

Q2: $200

When someone is completely wrong about something,
he is said to be "way off" what?

A: Basket

B: Net

C: Base

D: I-95

Steve says C.

He's not way off base. He's correct for $200.

Q3: $300

In order to scowl, a person furrows what
part of the body?

A: Brow

B: Jaw

C: Elbow

D: Personality

Steve says A.

Sure, the brow is the only body part that can be furrowed. $300.

Q4: $500

Clubs whose members swim in cold weather are
named for what animal?

A: Salmon

B: Polar bear

C: Husky

D: Loon

Steve goes with B.

Those people sound like loons to me, but polar bear is the correct answer. $500.

Q5: $1,000 milestone

How long does it take for the Earth to
rotate once on its axis?

A: 365 days

B: 24 hours

C: 1 month

D: 10 years

Steve says that its one day or 24 hours. B. Final.

Correct for $1,000! (fanfare plays)

Q6: $2,000

The classic Easy-Bake Oven toy uses what
heat source to bake cakes?

A: Sunlight

B: Candle

C: Hot water

D: Light bulb

Steve thinks that it's a light bulb. He knows a candle wouldn't make any sense since there would never be a child's toy that uses fire. He could use a lifeline for confirmation, but he's gonna bite the bullet and make D final.

Yeah, it's a light bulb! $2,000.

Q7: $4,000

The celebration of Oktoberfest is commonly
associated with what country?

A: Italy

B: Spain

C: Germany

D: United States

Steve states that there is an amusement near UVA that has an Oktoberfest. He'll say C, Germany. Final answer.

It's Germany! $4,000.

Q8: $8,000

In the 1999 movie "Never Been Kissed", Drew Barrymore
plays a reporter going undercover as a what?

A: High school student

B: Aspiring model

C: Teen pop star

D: Driving instructor

Steve did not see this movie, but he saw the trailers for it. He remembered wondering how Drew could pass as a high school student. He'll say A, final answer.

He's right again for $8,000!

I had no clue. I would've thrown this to the pop culture-friendly audience.

Q9: $16,000

Clifford Holland is most famous for designing
what 20th century structure?

A: Bridge

B: Tunnel

C: Cathedral

D: Factory

Steve thinks that it would be a tunnel, as in the Holland Tunnel. He'll make that final.

Yeah, it is indeed New York's Holland Tunnel! $16,000!

Q10: $32,000 milestone

What Jewish system of theology is a mystical
method of interpreting the Scripture?

A: Cabala

B: Docetism

C: Eschatology

D: Hasidism

Steve eliminates D as a sect of Judaism and C as the study of the end of the world. He thinks that B has to do with Christianity. He thinks that A is correct, based on what he has read about Madonna being into cabala. He'll save the lifelines and make A his final answer.
He nailed it for $32,000! (fanfare plays)

I've also read about Madonna's interest in cabala, but I had no clue what it was about. I could eliminate C and D, but I would've had to burn the PAF in order to get to $32,000.

Q11: $64,000

Legendary guitarist Eric Clapton was never a member
of which of the following bands?

A: The Yardbirds

B: Cream

C: Traffic

D: Derek and the Dominos

Steve says that Clapton was definitely in Cream, did "Layla" while with Derek and the Dominos, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Yardbirds. He'll say C, Traffic. Final answer.
Yeah, it was Steve Winwood--not Eric Clapton--who was a member of Traffic! Steve doubled up!

Q12: $125,000

Which of these states currently has two female
U.S. Senators?

A: Louisiana

B: Maine

C: Vermont

D: Maryland

Steve names Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe as the senators from Maine. Final.
Sure is for $125,000!

Q13: $250,000

1999, which of these men was aboard the first hot-air
balloon to circumnavigate the globe nonstop?

A: Bertrand Piccard

B: Richard Branson

C: Steve Fossett

D: Per Lindstrom

Steve thinks that both Branson and Fossett have tried on numerous attempts, but never made it. Lindstrom is not a name that he associates with ballooning. He's gonna save the lifelines again and go along with Piccard. Final answer.
This guy is on FIRE! He has a QUARTER-MILLION!

I knew it wasn't Branson or Fossett. I would've taken my 50:50 and hoped that Lindstrom went away.

Q14: $500,000

Java man was the first discovered example
of what species?

A: Neanderthalensis

B: Homo sapiens

C: Homo erectus

D: Homo habilis

Steve really thinks that it's not any of the other three. He still has all of his lifelines, but that million-dollar question is the next step. He has to go for it. He's saying C, Homo erectus. Final answer.

DID IT FOR $500,000!!!

No way. I would not have touched this question with a ten-foot pole. I'm done with $250,000.

Only two other contestants have gone this far without using any lifelines: John Carpenter and David Goodman. Both of them ended up winning the million. Can Steve Perry make it 3-for-3?

Here it comes... for the third time in the past two weeks... THE FINAL QUESTION!


In the TV series "The Brady Bunch", what is
Carol Brady's maiden name?

A: Martin

B: Tyler

C: Nelson

D: Franklin

One answer is jumping out at Steve, but he thinks that it's finally time to use a lifeline. He'll ask the audience.

In the TV series "The Brady Bunch", what is
Carol Brady's maiden name?

A: 33%

B: 14%

C: 34%

D: 19%

Well, that was a lot of help. :-|

Not much help for Steve. He'll take the 50:50 now.

In In the TV series "The Brady Bunch", what is
Carol Brady's maiden name?

B: Tyler

D: Franklin

Sheesh... that just made the situation worse. The top two answers are gone. But Steve's answer is still there. Not content with the results of those two lifelines, he'll take the final lifeline. He will call Mike. He tells Mike to enter "Carol Brady maiden name", apparently into an Internet search. Unfortunately, Steve spent too much time spelling and re-spelling those words. Time ran out while Mike was still waiting for an answer to come up.

Steve thinks that it might be Franklin, but at this point, it would be dumb to gamble on a guess. He's done. He's going home as America's newest half-millionaire.

The audience, who is normally well-versed in pop culture, was dead wrong! Tyler, the lowest vote-getter, was the correct answer. Martin was the last name of Carol's first husband, Nelson was the last name of Alice the housekeeper, and Franklin was the last name of Sam the butcher.

I am no "Brady Bunch" fan, but I did know that Nelson was Alice's last name. But I would never have seen this question anyway.