Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith of Los Angeles got into the Hot Seat on February 17, 2003, immediately after Bored Buddy Lynn Kelly won $64,000. This is Kevin's second trip to the show. He was a finalist on April 29, 2001, the night that another Bored Buddy (Bob Combs) won $250,000. Kevin is a retired truck driver. Let's play!

Q1: $100

Which of these projectiles is normally shot
from a slingshot?

A: Stone

B: Arrow

C: Cannonball

D: Mom's meatloaf

Kevin says A.

I would prefer to shoot the meatloaf, but he's right for $100.

Q2: $200

From 1994 to 2001, Rudy Giuliani served as
the 107th mayor of what city?

A: Washington, D.C.

B: Chicago

C: Boston

D: New York City

Kevin jokes that he knew that some of these questions were gonna get tough, then pretends to get out of the Hot Seat. He also jokes that he would not be able to leave the studio if he got this one wrong. He says New York City.

Sure, it was New York City. $200.

Q3: $300

Which of these utensils is commonly used
to stir-fry food?

A: Wok

B: Crockpot

C: Colander

D: Rotisserie

Kevin says A.

That is the correct cooking item. $300.

Q4: $500

Which of these animal names is also a term
often used to refer to a spy?

A: Bull

B: Mole

C: Flea

D: Tiger

Kevin says the mole.

Also the name of my favorite reality competition show. $500.

Q5: $1,000 milestone

The olive branch is an ancient symbol of what?

A: Knowledge

B: Peace

C: Wealth

D: Strength

Kevin says B.

Peace is good for $1,000! (fanfare plays)

(horn) And that's all for today. Come back tomorrow for the rest of Kevin's run.

Q6: $2,000

A Zamboni is a machine used to do what?

A: Reset bowling pins

B: Shoot tennis balls

C: Trim golf greens

D: Resurface ice rinks

Kevin picks D.

Yeah, you see those Zambonis at every hockey game. $2,000.

Q7: $4,000

The 1995 movie "The Usual Suspects" takes its
title from a famous line in what movie?

A: Casablanca

B: The Godfather

C: Cool Hand Luke

D: North by Northwest

Kevin does some quick impersonations of Marlon Brando and Cary Grant, then goes right into a Humphrey Bogart impersonation in order to make A his final answer.

That was Claude Rains who uttered the famous line, "Round up the usual suspects". $4,000.

Q8: $8,000

In the game of chess, which of these pieces is
never able to move diagonally?

A: Pawn

B: King

C: Queen

D: Rook

Kevin uses his 50:50.

In the game of chess, which of these pieces is
never able to move diagonally?

B: King

D: Rook

He thinks a little more, then makes rook his final answer.

Rooks move only horizontally or vertically! $8,000!

No lifeline for me.

Q9: $16,000

On the TV series "Everybody Loves Raymond", Raymond
and his wife have a total of how many children?

A: 1

B: 2

C: 3

D: 4

Kevin has seen this show only once or twice, so he'll have to go to the audience for help.

On the TV series "Everybody Loves Raymond", Raymond
and his wife have a total of how many children?

A: 0%

B: 13%

C: 82%

D: 5%

Get the riot gear ready!

Kevin is humored by the overwhelming response for 3. He thanks the audience, then makes 3 final.

Yeah, one daughter and twin sons! $16,000!

I didn't need lifelines here, either.

Q10: $32,000 milestone

What rock group is name after a gym teacher who taught
at the original band members' high school?

A: The Byrds

B: Lynyrd Skynyrd

C: Jefferson Airplane

D: Pink Floyd

Kevin thinks that it's Lynyrd Skynyrd. He still has his Phone-A-Friend, but he's gonna go ahead and make B his final answer.
Good thing he saved that lifeline! He has $32,000! (fanfare plays)

Rock music is not a strong subject for me, music-wise. I'm thinking Lynyrd Skynyrd while sitting on the couch, but in the Hot Seat, I would've asked the audience.

Q11: $64,000

The flu vaccine is not recommended for people
who are very allergic to what food?

A: Peanuts

B: Eggs

C: Milk

D: Honey

Kevin quickly says B, eggs. Final answer.
He's right again! $64,000!

I don't know anything about the flu vaccine. I would've had to call somebody.

Q12: $125,000

Anti-Communist leader Joseph McCarthy served
as a U.S. Senator for what state?

A: Illinois

B: Kentucky

C: Wisconsin

D: Ohio

Kevin nods his head before the choices come up. He immediately says C, Wisconsin. Final answer.
Of course it's Wisconsin! $125,000!

Q13: $250,000

Published in 1936, the first issue of Life magazine had a
Margaret Bourke-White photo of a what on its cover?

A: Dam

B: Flower garden

C: Volcano

D: Lighthouse

Once again, Kevin reacted positively once the question came up. He says that his father was a big fan of Life magazine and an amateur photographer. He goes with A, dam, final.
I thought the first Life cover had a picture of Hoover Dam...
but I'm wrong.
It was Fort Peck Dam in Montana! Kevin now has A QUARTER OF A MILLION!

Q14: $500,000

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"
is inscribed in the lobby of what agency's headquarters?



C: Dept. of Education

D: Library of Congress

I think they may have finally found an obscure fact that Kevin doesn't know. He has to use his last lifeline to call somebody. He decides to call Dr. Jerry, an old friend of his. Jerry comes in with 80% certainty on the Library of Congress. Kevin was not exactly thrilled with that response. His instinct was the CIA.

So will he go on his own, go with Jerry, or just go home with $250,000?

He's answering the question... and he's rejecting his PAF's 80%. He's trusting his own instinct. B, CIA... final answer.
It takes a lot of stones to disagree with somebody who is 80% sure on an answer...


This has to be one of the most obscure questions ever asked in the history of this show. Unless you've actually been in the lobby of CIA headquarters, there is no way that you could know this answer. Hell, I bet that half of the people actually working in CIA headquarters don't know what's inscribed in the lobby of CIA headquarters. I still have my PAF available at this point, but I doubt that anybody on my PAF list would know this. I had it down to the FBI and the CIA, but the odds are that I would be walking away.

Q15: $1,000,000

The U.S. icon "Uncle Sam" was based on Samuel Wilson,
who worked during the War of 1812 as a what?

A: Meat inspector

B: Mail deliverer

C: Historian

D: Weapons mechanic

As soon as this question popped up, Kevin reacted positively yet again. He's pretty sure of the answer, but he wants to take a minute first to make sure that he's reading the question right. He mentions one time during primetime "Millionaire" that he, a contestant, and Regis all read a certain question the same way, but he and the contestant were wrong, presumably because they hadn't read the question carefully enough.

Meredith offers to re-read the question and the answers to Kevin, which he agrees to. After the re-reading is completed, he proceeds to say A, meat inspector, final answer.


Brilliantly played from start to finish! Congratulations, Kevin, on making TV history!

This seems to be standard practice for the WWTBAM writers: put in a fairly common piece of trivia at the $1M level immediately after putting in some arcane fact at the $500K level. I knew the answer to this question, but I most likely never would've seen it as I most likely would've walked away from the last question. Remember: you don't win the million by answering just the million-dollar question correctly. You win it by answering all 15 questions correctly.