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Languages: Stone Elf, Drow, Unicorn

Hit Dice: 4HD+4 at 1st Level, by class at 6th Level

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Natural Armor Class: 2 (Paladins and Fighters may wear Barding)

Native Environment: Mountain slope Pine and Spruce forests

Movement Rate: 15

Size: Large

TABLE 1: Ability Score Adjustments

Strength +1

Dexterity +2

Constitution +3

Intelligence -1

Wisdom -2

Charisma -1

TABLE 2: Ability Score Range

Ability Minimum Maximum

Strength 13 19

Dexterity 7 20

Constitution 9 20

Intelligence 6 17

Wisdom 6 16

Charisma 7 17

TABLE 3: Class Restrictions

Class Maximum Level

Fighter 18

Ranger U

Palidin 16


Mage 16

Specialist 10

Elementalist 14

Wild 10

Cleric 18

Bard 14


Clairsentient 3

Psychokinetic 3

Psychometabolist 3

Psychoporter 10

Telepath U

Multiclass Options: Any two: Fighter, Mage, Psionicist, Cleric, Fighter/Mage/Cleric

TABLE 4: Size and shape

Base Height: 5'5" at withers

Modifier...: +1d4" or -1d4"

Base Weight: 650 lbs.

Modifier...: +1d20 lbs.


Base Age: 5

Variable: 1d100 x 1d12

Maximum Age Range (Base+Variable): 1,205

Average Maximum Age: 1,000

TABLE 6 : Aging Effects

Middle Age (1/2 Base Max): -1 Str/Con, +1Int/Wis

Old Age (2/3 Base Max): -2 Str/Dex, -1 Con; +1 Wis

Venerable (Base Max): -1 Str/Dex/Con; +1 Int/Wis 


Middle Age (1/2 Base Max) : 1000.3 Years

Old Age (2/3 Base Max) : 1000.4 Years

Venerable (Base Max) : 1000.5 Years

Average Maximum Age : 1205.0 Years 

Blue, or Pine Unicorns came from standard Sylvan Unicorn stock, adapted for the environment of the mountains over several generations. The bluish tint to the coat was just a byproduct of the breeding.


Pine, or Blue Unicorns, live in the Pine and Spruce forests of Mountain slopes. Blue Unicorns eat pine cones and spruce needles as well as grasses and medicinal herbs. They are active during the day, and into the night if there is need to defend the forest from marauders. They will climb the mountain heights, entering caves leading to the Underdark, and search for different types of mushrooms and funguses in the passages to the Underdark to supplement their diet. Blue Unicorns resemble Sylvan Unicorns in every detail (cloven feet, males have beards, they have a two or three foot ivory-colored horn, and deep sea blue or fiery pink eyes), except for the slightly bluish tint to their coat. They are extremely sure-footed on mountain slopes, and their agility can be equated to that of Mountain goats, and their hoofprints are often mistaken for goats, even by highly trained trackers. The Blue Unicorn mates for life, and makes its home in a clearing of Spruce or Pine forest, etching its glyph in the bole of a large Pine or Spruce tree. This notifies all who trespass that the forest is protected by a Blue Unicorn.


Blue Unicorns are family oriented, raising their colts until five years of age, during which time the mother plays the role of the educator and the father guards his family. It is not unusually to find two adults (a male and female) and one to four colts. The older colts are expected to help care for their younger siblings. At five years of age a Blue Unicorn is considered an adult, and is expected to wander out on its own in search of a forest to tend. Blue Unicorns are good creatures, and free spirits, so they tend to be considered chaotic. Blue Unicorns are fearless defenders against evil, detesting Green and Red Dragons, and will not hesitate to plan for their demise. Proficiencies are chosen by class. Blue Unicorns will occasionally befriend Stone Elf maidens and be their mounts as long as they both live. Stone Elves often equip such bound partners as elite warriors, forming cavalry units to defend the entire mountain region. The one disadvantage a unicorn has is that it has no hands with which to do fine work. This makes being a wizard with spell components, or being a Bard with a musical instrument a problem. Most unicorn wizards and bards use their voices for magic, just as clerics do. The horn of the unicorn is also capable of gestures such as writing in the air. A unicorn bard may picklocks by using its horn, but certain abilities that humanoid hands have in common are impossible for any unicorn, save the psychometabolist.


Blue Unicorns, like Sylvan Unicorns, are able to sense an enemy 240 yards away, and move so silently that they have a -6 versus an enemy's surprise roll. Like Sylvan Unicorns, they kick with their forehooves, and thrust with their horn each round. Due to the magical nature of the horn they have a +2 bonus to hit. They may charge into battle, using their horn as a lance, if they have 30 feet of space in which to run or sprint down a mountain slope. Opponents struck by this horn charge suffer 3-36 points of damage from impaling, and 5-44 if the Blue Unicorn is charging down a mountain slope. Once a day the Blue Unicorn can cast a teleport spell of limited range. This allows unicorn and rider to be transported any place within 360 yards of the unicorn's location. This is often an act of desperation to save the lives of unicorn or rider in the midst of battle. Blue Unicorns can never be Charmed or Held by magic. Death spells have no effect against them. They make all saving throws as an 11th level wizard. Blue Unicorns are immune to all poisons. Due to the magical effect of the unicorn horn, Blue Unicorns do not leave young adulthood physically until they are a thousand years old. While Sylvan unicorns grow to old age in a matter of weeks at this time, it takes the Blue Unicorn two months to reach a Venerable age.


The Blue Unicorn wanders away from home at the age of five. It is generally during this time, in which the unicorn is searching for a Spruce or Pine forest on a mountain slope to call its own, that they meet a Stone Elf maiden for a travelling companion. Occasionally, Blue Unicorns have been known to take up with good-aligned Drow maidens or Jungle Dwarf maidens that dwell on the surface world. They generally will travel with their companions until one or the other dies. Blue Unicorns, like Sylvan Unicorns, will sacrifice their own lives so that their companion may live.