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Rare Hunters' Kingdom ..::V2.0::..


Staff/Contact Us
Affiliate/Link Us


April 6th*

I went to the mall yesterday so I didn't get much done. I bought a bunch a labby of nightmare too and got a gemini elf! I feel special...well added a new affiliate today, outwar kingdom they didn't have a banner because they just started oh yea and if you haven't played outwar you'll find out all about it HERE

on the right is the sign up form, and it is FREE! Well that is all for Sunday. April 4th*

I added a new hit banner, to help out a bit... I hope it works The Custom Item contest starts today! For info go here> Yugioh Contest At the bottom click here for even more info

April 3rd*

I won't be able to get as much done today, I redid the logo on the main page and fixed it up a bit.

April 2nd*

Today I added a few new things to the gallery, I put up the new YuGiOh page and added a character bio to that. I am also going to add at least 2-3 pages today! Pages like staff/contact, and affiliate/link us stuff like that. Ohh yea I put a poll up too!

April 1st*

I just started Version 2.0 Today, It is doing great, So Hang around. I re-did the colors a few times til I figured out what best suits the site....That is all for now, Also I am adding the pages soon!