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Rouze Family History Page

This page is devoted to collecting genealogical and biographical information for the Rouze surname in one location. Comments are welcomed at the email address shown below.

Information on Joseph Rouze (born 1797or 1799 in NJ) and descendents:
Joseph Rouze biography
Andrew F. Rouze biography
Edward Elijah Rouze biography
Herschel Newton Rouze biography
John Forsyth Rouze biography
E. Marsh Rouze family picture
William Kates Rouze cabin
Genealogy Chart, Joseph Rouze descendents (updated 11/12/04)

Information on Other Rouzes (some possibly related to the Joseph Rouze above):
Early Rouzes of New Jersey
Adin Wiley Rouze biography
A.J. Rouze Jr. family page
Homer Rouze biography
Lucian Leroy Rouze biography
Theodore Rouze will
Genealogy Chart, Other Rouzes (updated 11/12/04)

Links to Useful Genealogy Web Pages:
Links file

Updated Nov. 3, 2006
