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These adoptions are free for your personal use
on you own site. You must contact me by clicking on
the email link below to receive your adoptee by email.
Be sure to specify which graphic you want and how you want
it personalized. You may ask for a different color scheme for
the clothes.  I will accommodate you when possible.

Here are my rules for adoption:

  • You must have a family friendly site - one my grandchildren could visit and not be shocked or offended. Provide me with the URL for the site.

  • You may not give them to someone else. Tell them where you got yours so they can also get one free.

  • Please do not resize, reshape, or recolor them. They are mine, made by me in PSP 7. Respect the rights of all artists.

  • You must include a link back to me on the page with the adoption.

  • Your must have a "right click denied" code on the page with your adoption to prevent others from taking it without ordering one for themselves. If you need this code, I will be glad to supply it for you.

  • All adoptions must be personalized using whatever term or name you want to use specific to yourself.

As long as everyone follows the rules, these adoptions
will continue to be free of charge.



Sue & Ray

Eve & Adam

Angie Angel

Little Gray Hare

Rachel Rabbit

Brianna Bear

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon