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God has blessed us by allowing us

to grow old together.

He is a little older, a little more gray,

but still the same handsome man.

      This page is a tribute to my wonderful husband, Ray. I want to tell you about us.   Relax, Ray. I will only tell the good stuff. J

     At one time we were both in love with someone else, but GOD, in His wisdom, knew we were meant to be together. Our renewed relationship healed a lot of hurts and fulfilled a lot of needs. In the beginning we didn't know just how much we needed each other.

     On October  19, we started going "steady."  A year later, on November 9, we became engaged.  Then after I graduated................


     Our happy union has produced four children and six grandchildren. Ray always says, "If I had known grandchildren were this much fun, we'd have had them first." He spoils them rotten.........just like he did our children.  Our daughters have trouble finding someone like him.  Our sons think he hung the moon.  Me........I'm grateful God has given us this opportunity to grow old together.  

     We took our marriage vows seriously, and we have experienced all that we promised each other - to love, honor and respect. We have also gone through all the situations we committed ourselves to: sickness, health, richer, poorer, better, and worse.  We will continue together, if the LORD wills, "til death do us part."

To My Dear Husband

Love... there is nothing else like it.
 There is no simple explanation for it. 
Love doubles joyful times, 
and sorrowful times are halved when shared.

   Money cannot buy love; 
it has to be earned. 
It doesn't occur simply by wishing; 
it comes with time and emotion.

   Love was not an instantaneous emotion, 
but something that grew slowly between 
us, maturing with time. 
Our love reached maturity 
and a strong bond between husband and wife.

   Love is sharing the better or worse, 
the sickness and health, and 
times when we were richer and poorer. 
We shared it all, yet left room 
for each to grow individually.

   How do I know this is love? 
Because you gave this kind of love 
 to me, and  that's the kind of love 
I feel for you.


Thank You, Ray,

just for being you.

I Love You !



   The opening graphic is by Paula Vaughn and used by permission. Visit her site at to see more of her work. You must have permission to use her graphics on your site.