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Laura's Beanie Baby Web Ring

The 4 rules

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing & Custom Embroidery Services
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts

Newsflash! Laura's Beanie Baby Web Ring has a new HTML code! Just E-mail me for it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. To change your site's info click here to E-mail it to me. To submit your site, just fill out the form.

Submit site to Laura's Beanie Baby Web Ring
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Here's a sample of what it'll look like on your page, but the new one is different. It's a table. Sorry I can't have it up.
This Laura's Beanie Baby Web Ring site is owned by Your_Name_Here.

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