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Realm of the L I O N E S S - the games!

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Lioness Games

Quia! Alanna and George

Alanna and George
Alanna and her 'friend' George seem quite a bit different. Alanna is a distinguished knight of Tortall, while George is King of Thieves. The two get along very well, despite their differences.

The books
  • summary
  • pics
  • sample of book

What YOU think
  • coming soon!

Polls, quiz!-
  • test your Tortall IQ

Games, fun-
  • word search, more
Your own Email-
  • original Alanna-based email addresses!
  • brand new 'tortallmail' service!

Flashcards       Concentration       Word Search

List of Terms Click here to see a list of the terms used in these games

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Created by Alanna (

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