Written by Clive Barker and based on his book, Hellraiser is a true horror masterpiece. It has all the elements of a classic: dark and gloomy sets, very realistic characters, great script and camera work, fantasic special effects, and a very sick, dirty, all together disgusting feel to the whole film. Hellraiser makes me sick to this day, every time I watch it it freaks me out... and I love it. I will get into greater detail about the plot later, right now, enjoy what I have presented here.

The Cenobites

"Why then was he so distressed to set eyes upon them? 
Was it the scars the covered every inch of their
bodies, the flesh cosmetically punctured and sliced
and infibulated, then dusted down with ash? Was it
the smell of vanilla they brought with them, the
sweetness of which did little to disguise the stench
beneath? Or was it that the light grew,and he scanned
them more closely, he saw nothing of joy, or even
humanity, in their maimed faces: only desperation,
and an appetite that made his bowels ache to be

- The Hellbound Heart, Clive Barker 1986


-"Its voice... was light and breathy--the voice of an excited girl. Every inch of its head had been tattooed with an intricate grid, and at every intersection of horizontal and vertical axis a jeweled pin driven through to the bone. Its tongue was similarly decorated."- The Hellbound Heart. Not quite the same Pinhead we know, but close enough. Pinhead seemed like a female cenobite to me while reading the book, but was still very cool. He later become the star of the Hellraiser films, although Julia was supposed to be the monster.

The Chatterer

-This Cenobite had chains running through his face that pulled the skin around his mouth back. His teeth were exposed and constantly clicking together. His eyes were not visible through the folds of his skin and his ears have been cut off.

Female Cenobite

-This was the only female Cenobite from the original four. She has a nail driven through her nose and wires that run from her cheeks and pull apart her cut throat. She speaks with a scratchy voice and is the only Cenobite with hair, two long strands that some off the sides of her bald head.


-This Cenobite was extremely fat, and has a large wound in his stomach that he constantly fiddles with. He always wears sunglasses that cover up his sewn up eyes. He also has had his ears cut off his head.

The Lament Configuration

-This is the box that brings the Cenobites from Hell. This box is detailed with beautifully carven designs. When solved, a bell begins to ring and the Cenobites arrive to take the solver to Hell. This box however, can also take the Cenobites back to Hell.