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Looking for the Church of Leonardo DiCaprio?

THIS PAGE WAS BUILT ON: JUNE 14th 1997 THIS PAGE WAS LAST UPDATED: Oct. 31st 1997 I'm sorry, I haven't updated in a while, but I'm been working a lot on my oth page, 'The Church of Leonardo DiCaprio' It's REALLY interesting, so you should take a look! Here's my non-Java chat room Like this picture? It's the official Titanic poster! Hello! I just put in a chatroom! YEAH! So, go to it some time, OK. And tell your friends, or else you won't have anyone to talk to while your there! :) Anyway, does anyone know where I can find the picture of Leo walking, covering his face, if you have it could you PLEASE e-mail me??? Hello. If there is someone out there, who knows how to upload pictures and is willing to help me, PLEASE E-MAIL ME!! I'm still trying to figure out how to preserve my spaceing! (hint! hint!) I built a James Dean tribute page, you can check out what I have so far at: Is anyone interested in Gianni Versace? I've made a tribute page to him, at I need lots of help on it though, so I will be accepting ALL contibutions! E-mail me, if you are interested! If you have any (rare) pictures of Leo looking REALLY hot, PLEASE send them to me! D@N@
Read Sign my Dreambook!

Visit these parts of my Page!

Click Here to enter my JAVA Leonardo Chat Room! (It's different from the one at the top)
Take My 3rd Leo quiz!
Take My Critters III Quiz!
Here's where you can find stuff I wrote on Leo/R+J/or whatever
Here are the winners of the Quizes
You've got Leo questiond, I've got leo answers! :)
Here's your coments
Take my 'Marvin's Room' Quiz!
Take my Romeo & Juliet Quiz!
Take my This Boy's Life Quiz!
Take my What's Eating Gilbert Grape Quiz!
Take My BBD Quiz!
