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As salaamu alaikum/Greetings

Welcome to our homepage about Infertility and Islam. We hope that you find it beneficial and informative. In many Muslim communities it is often considered a taboo to discuss the topic of infertility openly. Although 1 in 12 couples face infertility problems when trying to conceive a child. And while in many cultures the woman is blamed and shunned by the community, we inshallah would like to shed some light on the situation, in hopes that women will no longer feel ashamed in such an ordeal. It is hard enough for a woman who has difficulty conceiving, having a natural desire to feel a child grow in her womb, to have to deal with cultural ignorances as well. (For the non muslims who have ventured onto our site, please read our brief introduction to What is Islam.)

Every month a couple has basically 1 in 4 chance of conceiving where no infertility factors exist. In a womans' lifetime she will normally produce 4 to 5 thousand eggs. Eight of these eggs are recruited each month, and only one is brought to maturity and relased into the fallopian tube, the other seven eggs deteriorate and die. The egg only lives from 24-36 hours after it is released and if it is not fertilized by the sperm (which can live up to 72 hours inside a woman) the egg will then deteriorate and die. Within two weeks the uterine lining will shed and a woman will have a menstrual cycle.

There are other factors in the whole fertilization process, such as the opening of a womans cervix, cervical mucus that helps the sperm reach the egg. Not to mention healthy non deformed sperm that can survive and fertilize the egg. Although seemingly an easy process there are many factors that can decrease the chances of fertilization from occurring. These can include blocked fallopian tubes, which can be caused by PID,ENDOMETRIOSIS, Scar tissue from miscarriages or surgical proceedings. There is also the factor of PCOS, which affects the woman's ability to normally produce and release an egg each month. These being only female factors of infertility, it is false to assume that infertility is only a woman's problem. Male factors also make up for about 40% of infertility problems, which include blocked ducts, low amount of sperm, and deformed sperm.

Normally when couples have unprotected sex for a year, a pregnancy will occur. If a woman does not become pregnant within a year (6 months for women over 35)the couple should have a fertility work-up to find out what is going on. Most couples that seek a fertility work-up by a Reproductive Endocronologist (differing from a regular GYN), should know within a month, or shortly thereafter,why pregnancy has not been successful. Such a work-up includes, but is not limited to: medical history, blood tests, pap smear, vaginal examination, HSG, a semen analysis, cervical cultures and Laparoscopy.

Having infertility problems, in most cases, does not mean the end of conceiving. There are many options open to couples that will help them to conceive children. Some of these options include, but are not limited to, IVF, IUI, GIFT, ZIFT, Ovulation drugs such as Clomid, and tubal surgery.There are also options for male factor infertility such as treatment with fertility drugs, surgery and ART procedures.

What concerns us most, as Muslims, is what options are Islamically permissible for us. Are ART procedures permissible, what is not permissible, why are certain things not permissible, are just some of the questions we would like to address. Keep in mind that none of the sisters who add to this web page are scholars, and there may be variant opinions as to what is acceptable and what is not. And due to the fact that an "In Depth" look at fertility options have yet to be addressed by "scholars" some questions will be left unanswered on this web site. We encourage all to seek proper Islamic means to deal with your infertility for Allah places things in our lives for a reason. We will all be tested, and as Muslims we should persevere in the way which is right in order to seek any rewards.

This site is work in progress, so bear with us as we grow. If you would like to share your own personal stories of your battle with infertility, the options you chose, please feel free to Email us and we will post them if you choose. Inshallah this will be beneficial for all, and some negative outlooks on barren women, and infertility problems can become a thing of the past for our ummah. Below are some of the topics that we are working on, so please come back and see us for we will continually update this page.

Want to more about Health? Health Talk and You gives all health information and news. Wellness Hub and Medical WTF are also wonderful health sites!

Infertility in light of the Qur'an

Pregnancy in the Qur'an

Polygny: an option for infertile couples

ART Haram (forbidden) or Halal (permissible)


Coping with Infertility

Personal stories of Muslims battling infertility

Male Doctors-Female patients Haram??


Success In Our Battles of Infertility


Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction

Medical Gender Selection


Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Herbal use for Infertility


Infertility Among the Umm Al Mu'minun

What I wish they wouldn't say



Recommended Reading