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The Current Air Time of

Do What Mamie Says!

"I love Sandra Bernhard. Bring her Back. Bring her back Dammit!"

Mamie Van Doren

Protest.Net A Calendar for Progressive Activists

Our mission is a clear one. We are fed up with the best shows on TV being thrown away because they do not fit the pre-cast mold of what is "acceptable." One such great show is Reel Wild Cinema. It is my favorite show. And I am not going to let it go without a fight! I learned several months ago that RWC is going to be canceled. It was then that I decided to start my crusade to save the show. My fight is more than trying to save a TV show (although that is the main theme) it is about to stop the current trend in TV. That trend is what I call "fear broadcasting." TV executives got nervous when they decided to air Reel Wild Cinema. But,the thought of the great ratings it would generate changed their minds. But after season one, the men behind RWC kept doing what made RWC such a great such. They showed only the best b-movies, nudies, exploitation films in the world. USA realized that RWC was not going to "shape up" and spill into what they thought was "acceptable." No, RWC was going to stay true to its heart. They were not going to change for anyone! This is why USA canceled the show. Because of something new, something exciting, something they did not understand, something they could not control. Reel Wild Cinema Please, help me save the show. And you will be helping us all.


Sandra Benrhard
Yeah, I know. I have not updated this website since Reel Wild Cinema was in its prime. Well, even though Reel Wild Cinema was cancelled, this website still lives. And although the only RWC I see today are on tape, I still like to think that all of my Wild Ones still keep RWC alive in their hearts. Reel Wild Cinema was a great show, and it is a shame that USA didn't even have the brains to release the episodes on tape. But, such is life. I still think of you guys everyday, and it warms my heart to know that such cool people exsist in this mixed up world. Keep the good fight alive in your heart, and Reel Wild Cinema will never die!

Go ahead and send in a postcard to USA Network President, Stephen Chao. Tell him you want to see Reel Wild Cinema released on tape! Couldn't hurt! Make sure you send in several letters and postcards on a daily basis. His address is:

Stephen Chao
President USA Networks
2049 Century Park East suite 2550
LA CA 90067-3217

Here is to whom we must send our postcards:

Stephen Chao
President USA Networks
2049 Century Park East suite 2550
LA CA 90067-3217

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DISCLAIMER: Reel Wild Cinema is owned and copyrighted by the USA Network all rights reserved. All graphics on this page belong to their respective owners. There, I said it, so please don't sue me.