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Rocky's Home Page


Just watching the sun set
Me and my dad.
just out catching the rays
Enjoying the sun.I'm a handsome boy!!
Ain't these socks great?!
Mad bomber ready to go.Nice hat!
I'm ready for my walk in the cold snow.My ears won't get cold now let's go!!!!
Just me and my little sister.
Don't mess with us!
Me and Boodog just out catching some rays! Me and my pal Boodog guarding our yard!
This Page is dedicated to Rocky
  • Rowdy's Golden Shadow (Rocky)
  • Born May 30 1987
  • Passed away on August 5 1998
Me, Mom, and my other sister Booi
Me, Mom, and my other sister Booi

 Rocky was the best pal anyone could ever have. He came to live with me

and my wife as an abused Boxer.Although he was an abused puppy, he turned

out very well and he would just as soon lick you to death than bite anyone.

Everyone who knew him will miss him very much. I'll always have an empty

spot without him.His playmate was a BostonTerrier named Boodog.They were 

best pals - big brother and little sister.How blessed we are to have had 

someone so special be a part of our lives.
heartRocky we Love You!heart
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My Favorite Web Sites
  1. Our online puppy photo album.
  2. Brody's Home Pages.
  3. Boodog's Website.
  4. A Tribute to Booi.
  5. Boxers Rule (A place to share boxer stories and info a super message board and so much more.)
  6. Dog Ring Home Page
  7. Big Mac's Web Site
  8. The American Boxer Club
  9. (petcrest) Links to lots of pet pages and info.
  10. Middle Tennessee Boxer Rescu
  11. applets thanks to David Griffiths dglogo
  12. ledRocky's Applets (lake and pool)

  13. heartClick here to download a screensaver by Rockyheart

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