Captain Jerry A Carlton
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Captain Jerry A Carlton

Midi Player

Jerry and Cheryl Carlton

Carlton Productions Int Inc

Thanks for stopping by.
I'm a retired Captain of a tugboat on the Mississippi river.
I worked for Rivco from Feb.12,1980 until Nov.26,2009.
Rivco is now Moran New Orleans.

Moran New Orleans

2049 Railroad Street

P.O. Box W

Lutcher LA 70071

Phone (225) 869-5353


Contact for Ship Docking

and Harbor Services:

Capt. James Murray

Vice President of Sales

(203) 442-2814

We assist ships in and out of their berths and move large barges.

The name of the tug that I ran is the St. James.
It is 105' by 30' and is powered by 2 Detroit diesel 149 TIB's (turbocharged) that generate 3400 bhp. It has a top speed of 11 knots upriver and during high water I've made around 20 going down river with the current.

Strutter~~~~~~~~~~To hear a clip of me playing~~~~~~~~~~Knockin
click on the music clef above.

I play the guitar and try to sing a little.
I enjoy playing music and am trying to record a home demo now.
I have just upgraded to Sony Acid Music Studio and still haven't figured it all out yet. I hope to get time to do some recording soon,but lately it seems like there are not enough hours in the day. My son and life in general keep me going these days but check back for a new recording because one day I'll get around to it. Allen LOVES TO ROCK AND ROLL!!! He has several guitars and is learning quick. As soon as I get a good recording of us I'll post it here.

Allen getting his groove on!

He is almost 12 now!!!

I did put a couple of new pictures in the album. Check our myspace pages to get current pictures.

Allen's MySpace Page
Jerry's MySpace Page
Jerry's Facebook Page

I would love to talk music stuff with you. I don't have alot of answers to technical problems but have learned alot from making mistakes. I guess they call that the school of hard knocks.
I have a pretty good collection of classic rock midi files.

I'm always looking for more so if you have something that you think I might like,please send it to me.
If your looking for something in particular

Email me
I just might have it.

Does anyone have a midi track of"Dollar bill"by The Screaming Trees? I'm STILL looking for this! I just might have to figure out how to write the drum track myself.(Ha,Ha :)!)

I have found alot about my family tree so any Carltons interested be sure and let me know. I'll gladly share anything that I have on the family.

Thanks for stopping and Keep Coming Back!

Allen's College Fund

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  • Relaxing by a lake at sunset with my Love.
  • Playing music,guitars with Boogie
  • Boating on a nice day.
  • Hanging out with friends

My Favorite Links

Home Page
Jerry's MySpace Page
Internet Underground Music Archive
Electronic Musician
River Cam
Port of New Orleans
Earthcam Live Cameras
Ultimate Band List
MUFON UFO network
Jerry's Picture Album
My Photo Album
Cakewalk Music Software
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
