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The Ancient Egyptians were a very religious people. They honored a number of Gods or "Deities" in their day to day lives. Each God had its' own domain for which it was responsible for, and the people needed to continuously worship them and appease them with offerings each day.

Below is a list (but not a complete one) of the more popular Gods, their descriptions and their duties.

AKER:This God embodies the earth and is depicted as a narrow tract of land with either a human or lion head at either end. He is also sometimes shown as 2 lions seated back to back. One lion is facing the west, the other to the east. These 2 lions are said to guard the entrance and exit to the underworld.

AMUN:In the Pyramid texts, Amun is referred to as a primeval God, but after the Eleventh Dynasty, he became the God of Thebes. And during the New Kingdom as God of the Theban capital, he was the supreme state God. As Amun-Re he was identified with the sun God.His name means "hidden one". The Ram with curved horns is considered his sacred animal.

ANAT:She was actually a Syrian Goddess that was introduced to Egypt. She has a war-like personality and is depicted as a woman carrying a shield and an axe.

ANUBIS:He was the God of embalming.He guarded the mummy at night from evil forces and is responsible for the weighing of the heart in the Hall of Judgement. He is shown with the head of a black dog or Jackal.

ANUKIS: She was the Goddess of a region in Aswan. She was also the wife of the God Khnum and mother of Satis. There was a temple dedicated to her on the island of Seheil in the Cataract. She is depicted as a woman wearing a high crown of feathers and holding a tall papyrus sceptre.

ASTARTE: She was an interesting Goddess, introduced into Egypt sometime in the 18th dynasty. She was a Goddess of war and the daughter of either Ra or Ptah. She is depicted as a naked woman riding bareback on a horse and wearing the atef-crown and holding weapons. Her likeness has been found sketched on small limestone flakes by workman in the necropolis doodled on.

ATEN:The Sun Disc. During the reign of Akhenaten, his image changed from a human being with a falcon's head to that of a sun disc whose arms extended down holding the ankh.

ATUM:He was the creator God of Heliopolis and is depicted in many ways. In the pyramid texts he is referred to as "He who came into being of himself" before heaven and earth existed, he was the "Lord of All." In the Pyramid Texts, he is shown as the Primeval hill and in the image of the scarab.

BASTET: This Goddess was regarded as the mother of the lion-god Miysis who was the "Lord of Slaughter". During festivals in her name, it was forbidden to hunt lions. During the Middle KIngdom, the cat became associated with her and she is shown with the head of a cat and she became a much "friendlier" Godess.

HAPI: He was the God of the Nile during its annual inundation. He was said to live in a cavern from which the NIle flowed. This annual event was also referred to as The arrival of Hapi.

HATHOR: This Godess' name means "House of Horus" In early times. she she was regarded as the mother of the sun-god, (who was later replaced by Isis). There is an ancient myth in which she was supposed to have raised the sun up to heaven by using her horns.

HEKET: This Goddess was depicted as a frog or sometimes with a frogs head. It was believed that she assisted in forming of the child in a womb and presided over births as a midwife.

HORUS: This God was originally imagined to be a sky god and shown as a falcon with outstretched wings. The Pharoah was a manifestation of Horus and each had its own unique Horus name. Horus was also said to have lost an eye during a battle with his uncle Seth. This symbol of the eye of Horus was used to ward off evil spirits.

ISIS:This Goddess was regarded as the symbolic mother of the King and a protector of mortal children. In ancient Greek, she became became the protector of men at sea.

MAAT: This was the Goddess of all existence. She was the true concept of law, truth, and most importantly, "World Order". The Pharaoh was the one appointed with the important task of keeping Maat perfectly balanced, otherwise the world would erupt into chaos.

MAFDET: This Goddess was in charge of judicial authority and the device used in executions. This device consisted of a curved pole with a coil of rope wrappped around its shaft and a projecting blade. This Goddess wreaked terror on evildoers and fought snakes.

MESHKHENT:This was a Goddess of birth and was identified with the brick which a woman squatted on to give birth. She is often shown as a brick with a woman's head.

NEITH:This was a local Goddess of Sais and was the Goddess of war. She carries the bow and arrows and blessed the hunters weapons.

NEKHBET:This was the vulture Goddess and was worshipped in the ancient city of Nekheb. She also represented Upper Egypt.

NEPHTHYS:This Goddess was the sister of Isis and the wife of Seth. She is also sometimes said to be the mother of Anubis.

NUT:This Goddess was the daughter of the air God, Shu and the sister of the earth God, Geb. she was the personification of Heaven and is depicted as a woman bending over the earth touching both the the western and eastern horizons with her hands and feet.

OSIRIS: He was the sun of the God Geb. There is a myth about him being tricked into lying inside a chest by his brother, Seth, who then tossed him into the nile to drown. But his body was recovered by his wife, the Goddess, Isis.(there will be information on my page titled "Myths ands Legends coming soon).

PTAH:He was a local God of Memphis who was depicted in human form and was regarded as the God of craftsmanship

RE: This was the "Sun God" who was later combined with the God Atum and became Amun-Re.

SEKHMET: This Goddess along with her husband Ptah and her son Nefertem made up the "Memphite triad". Her name means "the mighty one" and was considered a Goddess of war. She was represented as a lioness or as a woman with a lions head.

SELKET: She was one of the four protectors of coffins and canopic jars. Her symbol was the Scorpion, which she is often shown wearing on her head.

SESHAT: This was the Goddess of writing. "She who is foremost in the house of books". She usually held a palm leaf in her hand and often wore a panther skin over her dress.

SESHMU: This was a God from the Old Kingdom and was the God of perfume. He also appears in the Book of the Dead in chapters concerned with escaping from nets.

SETH:This God was associated with great strength. In the 19th and 20th Dynasties, he was the patron of the Ramessides, which is where the Royal name of Seti was derived.

SHU: He was regarded as the God of air who embodied the forces necessary to life. He was usually depicted in human form with his symbol of a feather on his head.

WADJET:This Goddess was a fire-spitting serpent and equated with the royal uraeus and ultimately became the "eye of Re".

WEPWAWET:This God of Lycopolis was represented in the form of a standing Jackal. His name means "opener of the ways". He was also considered the leader of the Gods.