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(Spell for making an ushabti work for the deceased in the afterlife.)

"O thou ushabti, if Osiris is counted off to do any work that is want to be done yonder in the god's domain-lo, obstacles have been set up for him yonder-as a man to his duties. Thou art charged with all these tasks that are want to be done yonder, to cultivate the fields, to irrigate the shores, to transport sand of the west or of the east. "I will do them, here I am" shalt thou say."

(Spell for penetrating the underworld)

"O Ram great of dignity, behold, I am come to see thee. I penetrate the nether world, that I may see my Father Osiris and drive away the darkness. I am his beloved; I have come to see my Father Osiris and hack out the heart of Suty, who wronged my Father Osiris. Open to me all the roads in sky and earth, for I am a son beloved of his Father. Behold, I am swathed and blesed and equipped. O every god and every blessed one, make way for me. I am Thoth when he ascends, with none opposing or hindering him. He enters and comes forth loved".

(Spell for giving the deceaseds' mouth to him in the god's domain)

"I have risen from the egg that is in the land of mysteries. My mouth has been given me, that I may speak therewith before the gods of the nether world. I shall not be kept away from the Council of the great God, for I am Osiris, the lord of Rosetau, this God who is at the top of the terrace. I have come, having accomplished my heart's desire in the Isle of Flame. I quench any fire that has broken out".

(Spell for giving the deceaseds' heart to him in the God's domain)

"I have my heart in the house of hearts; I have my breast in the houose of breasts. Mine is my heart; it is content with me, for I have not eaten cakes belonging to Osiris on yonder east side of the Bowl. A hwht-boat is bound downstream, another upstream;But I will not embark in the hwht-boat that is with thee. Mine are my mouth to speak with, my feet to walk with and my hands to overthrow my enemies".

(Spell for bringing the ferryboat in the sky)

"Hail to Thee. thou district in the northern sky, even the great island. He who sees thee dies not;he who stands upon the dawns as a god. I have seen thee, and I have not died. I stand upon thee; I dawn as a god. I have honked as a smn-goose;I hover yonder as this falcon over the pate and fragrance of Horus. I cross the earth to the sky. While Shu stands still, I make fast the Sunlight on the sidepieces of the ladder that lets the Unweariable Stars ascend exempt from decapitation. I have brought these warders-off of evil as I passed thee on thy wooden wrt on my way to Tepen. "Whence hast thou come to Tepen?" I have come from the Isle of Fire, from the Field of Flame."What dost thou live on in the Isle of Fire, in the Field of Flame"? I live on this august tree. "O PLanner, bring to him these ships from the hair-lake while the znbt-vase....." I stand in the bark and rule the water; I stand in the bark and guide the god. I stand, I address the crop, when the traveler embarks. Opened for me are the gates in Letopolis; set aside for me are fields in Hermopolis. Given me are my brothers and sisters in the presence of my heir".

(Spell for gaining access to the underworld)

"I grew great yesterday among the elders; I came into being among them that had come into being. Ye who can look upon only one eye, disclose the nature of darkness, for I am one of you. I know the Souls of Heliopolis to whom even the greatest of seers lacks free access and about the extending of the hand-but to none have I given this information. I have not told even the gods-by him who would destroy the inheritance of Heliopolis. I know why a tress is made for a male. Re was speaking to the snake who dwells in his consuming fire. Then his mouth was mutilated. That is how the diminution on new crescent day came about. And Re said to Him that dwells in his consuming fire:"Take the thirty spear, the inheritance of men." That is how the court of the 30 originated through Him who dwells in the consuming fire. "

(Spell for causing the Mummy to ascend to the inner coffin. To be said by Anubis)

"O Isis, O Nephthys, O Thoth who calms the storm, invoke Imset, Hapi, Duamutef, and Qebehsenuf, for it is Horus who intercedes in behalf of your Father Osiris(name of deceased)May ye ascend to him. Then shall ye be not distant from him forever. Exhalt ye his beauty to his mother the Nether Sky, whose arms are extended to him in greeting, whose heart swells with pride because of him who came forth from her. May he enter yesterday and come forth tomorrow morning like Re every day. Thet that are on earth circle about thee, Osiris(name of deceased) Re gives thee his rays to do away with darkness for thee"

There are many spells to the book of the dead and some interpretations are slightly different but I found these interpretations,translated by Thomas George Allen to be quite beautiful and used his book for my reference..