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I welcome anyone who would like to contribute a review or recommend any books for our readers, just e mail with your information and I will add it and give you the credit. Thank you.


(A Fictional Account) By: Christian Jacq

Published by: Warner Books

Review by me (Neferteri2)

Ramses was one of the greatest Pharoahs in Egyptian History. He ruled for over 60 years, led a number of military campaigns to ensure Egypts'power, and is reported to have fathered over 100 children!

THese are only some of the more known accomplishments of "Ramses The Great". However, Jacqs' in his 5 volume series, successfully gives us a more personal glimpse into the Royal family of the 19th dynasty of Egypt. He shows us Ramses as a young boy, growing up in the shadows of his famous and powerful father, Seti I, and the apparent heir to the throne, his older brother, Shaanar.

As Ramses begins to mature, he is in awe of the attention Seti I begins to show him and grows to both love and in some ways fear him, never believing that one day, he would take his place and sit on the Throne of Egypt.

Ramses explores his sexuality as well and begins an affair with "Iset The Fair", which continues throughout his lifetime. He explores this further as he begins to mature and eventually finds a 'true love' in Nefertari, who woould become his "Royal Wife". Their love story, in itself is very touching and emotional.

As he continues to mature, you can feel some of the turmoil and inner struggles he may have gone through in order to accept his fathers' decision to appoint him to the throne.

Jacq accomplishes what very few historians have been able to do, he gives as "Ramses The Man" as oppossed to "Ramses The Great".

I highly reccommend this book for anyone interested in ancient Egypt. Although it is a fictional account, Jacq inserts a lot of historical facts and information throughout the books that are extremely interesting and informative.

All 5 Volumes are currently available and can be found in most book stores.


By Norman Mailer

Review by Zilla Greene

The desert lands of Egypt have long been associated with the mysteries of death and the spirits of past lives. The living spirit, or ka, of a person was said to live on and seek spiritual enlightenment before its eventual journey to the afterlife.

"Ancient Evenings" by Norman Mailer is the tale of one such journey, as told through the eyes of the ka of a fictional prince, named Menenhetet The Second.

At first appearance, the book seems to be the tale of this prince, but we find after the first hundred pages or so that Menenhetet II is only the witness to events, and the book is written from his point of view.

The focus of the story becomes that of the first Menenhetet, a man who lives four lifetimes in the course of the book. Menenhetet The First lived his life in service to Ramses II, as a charioteer, who rises from his humble ranks as the son of peasants to become Captain Of The Guard, then lose it all when Ramses takes a fickle disliking to him. Menenhetet (still the First) takes a Hebrew mystic's wife as a lover and learns the secret of reincarnation, and uses this ability to cheat the wrath of Ramses II. From there he leads three more lifetimes, as a priest, mystic, and wise man, but makes a mistake in his fourth life by not completing the reincarnation process to its fullest extent. The result: a child is born with Menenhetet's great power and wisdom. This child is Menenhetet The Second!

For those of you who are dubious of Mailer's tendency to blasphemize religious material (many were offended by his interpretation of Jesus Christ's life), you will not be surprised at the way he reinterprets the Egyptian mythos.

The entire Egyptian religion is summarized in the first 60 or so pages of the book, and Mailer has depicted these events graphically and, to the Western mindset, perhaps somewhat tastelessly. Furthermore, the book has a moderate level of sexual content, not all of it good and decent. Ramses II is portrayed as a bisexual, and just about everyone has taken a member of their own family as a lover, so for those of you who cringe at the thought of sodomy, this book may not be for you. But if you can accept these things as creative license, or at the very least just read through them, then you will not be disappointed with what is surely an epic masterpiece of fiction.

"Ancient Evenings" by Norman Mailer is a fantastic interpretation of spiritual life in Egypt during the period of the Pharaohs, and I recommend it to anyone with an interest in Egyptology, both as an enjoyable reading experience and as a fresh, candid viewpoint on the Egyptian mythos.

     Tears for Isis by Michael J. Costa

  Written in 1991, by Michael J. Costa.

  it is about an Egyptian king who conquers mesopotamia,  has an elusive Set worshipping father, and his kingdom slowly is dissolved by the invading Hittites and Sea Peoples,  At the end is a voyage to the Netherworld.

201 pp eMattter (electronic book).


You can e mail Michael directly @

You can read this and more of his great work @

He is a very talented and gifted writer..